Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Wasit, Wasit, Iraq

2 Department of Student Affairs and Registration, Al-Karkh University of Science, Baghdad, Iraq

3 Department of Chemistry, College of Biotechnology, Al-Qasim green University, Iraq

4 ‎ Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Kerbala, Karbala, Iraq


In this work, nickel oxide nanoparticles (NiO NPs) have been synthesized via photo irradiation as ‎a novel method. It is a simple and cost effective method. The average particle size and morphology ‎were examined by AFM, TEM, SEM and the crystallinity was estimated by XRD analysis and the ‎strength of magnetic field of samples were measured by using gaussmeter device. XRD studies ‎confirm the nickel oxide nanoparticles have a high degree of crystallinity nature. Their particle size ‎of nickel oxide was found about 12nm. The values inhibition zone indicates that nanoparticles effect on different bacteria. The outcome considered a new synthesis of NiO ‎nanoparticles to promise antimicrobial agents against bacteria.


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