ABCD matrix
Simulation of propagation of flattend Gaussian beam in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media using paraxial group transformation [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 703-708]
ABCD matrix
Analysis of radiative cooling effect and Bragg reflector [(Articles in Press)]
Abelian duality transformations
Standard Abelian duality transformations in f(T) gravity [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 23-29]
Ab initio calculations
Insight into the electronic and elastic properties of Li-rich- antiperovskite Li3OCl under hydrostatic pressures [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 89-93]
Absorption spectroscopy
Design and optimization of an elliptical cell for laser absorption spectroscopy [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 207-220]
Accelerator Control
Design and Construction of a Traveling Wave Electron
Linear Accelerator at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 549-587]
AC current
Electronic transport properties of carbon nanotube metal-semiconductor-metal [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 183-183]
Analysis of multi-jet events in electron - positron annihilation [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 239-243]
Acoustical metamaterials
3D wave expansion solution in spherical multilayer structures for acoustic illusion [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 471-479]
Acoustic illusion
3D wave expansion solution in spherical multilayer structures for acoustic illusion [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 471-479]
Acoustic wave equations
3D wave expansion solution in spherical multilayer structures for acoustic illusion [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 471-479]
AC susceptibility
The effect of sintering temperature on the intergranular properties and weak link behavior of Bi2223 superconductors [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 1-7]
AC susceptibility
The effect of precursor powder size on the microstructure and integranular properties of Bi2223 superconductors [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 169-176]
AC susceptibility
AC susceptibility of polycrystalline (Bi-Pb) 2223 superconductors [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 201-208]
AC susceptibility
Nanomagnetism [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 251-272]
The effects of charge on the persistence length of biopolymers [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 569-574]
Adiabatic Quantum pumping
Adiabatic pumping current in a graphene based normal-insulator-superconductor junction with Corbino disk structure [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 139-143]
Adiabatic subtraction regularization
Trace of energy-momentum tensor and gravitational backreaction of Schwinger scalars in 3D de Sitter spacetime [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 91-103]
ADM decomposition
Criticality of thermodynamic curvatures for D-> 4 consistent Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black holes [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 55-69]
AdS4/CFT3 correspondence
Instanton solutions in a model of AdS4/CFT3 correspondence [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 471-486]
AdS/CFT correspondence
Study of corrections on the holographic zero sound [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 773-782]
AdS / CFT duality
Holographic complexity for R2 and R3 gravities [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 673-681]
Drag force in asymptotically Lifshitz spacetimes [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 655-655]
Aerosol optical depth
Design, construction and calibration of single channel sun-photometer for study of aerosols [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 177-183]
Design, construction and calibration of single channel sun-photometer for study of aerosols [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 177-183]
AES and SEM techniques
Growth and investigation of TiO2 and AlN nanostructureâs properties [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 1-7]
The effect of laser irradiation on electrical and structural properties of ZnO thin films [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 323-330]
Study of biosensor properties of Ag-Au nanocomposite in the vicinity of DNA [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 375-379]
Enhance hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas sensor based on metal oxide semiconductor (NiO) thin films [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 59-65]
First-Principles study of Hall coefficient in some cubic metals using Maximally localized Wannier functions [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 213-219]
Ag and Al doping
Structural and superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3-xMxOy (M=Ag, Al) [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 43-47]
Ag-Au alloy
Effect of the cooling rate on the solidification of Ag-X%Au alloy: Molecular dynamics simulation [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 239-248]
Ag-Au nanoparticles
Study of biosensor properties of Ag-Au nanocomposite in the vicinity of DNA [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 375-379]
Ag doping
Effect of Ag in structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Ag-sheated Bi-2223 wires [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 52-57]
Ag doping
Low-energy neutron irradiation on Bi-based (2223) Ag superconductors [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 59-63]
Ag ellipsoid nanostructures
Study of optical properties of Ag ellipsoid nanostructures by discrete dipole approximation method [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 589-596]
Ab-initio study of Ag-chain adsorbed on graphene sheet [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 291-298]
Ag nanoparticles
Effect of Ag nanoparticles as flux pinning centers in YBa2Cu3O7-δ [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 39-43]
Ag nanoparticles
Fabrication and size control of Ag nanoparticles [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 77-83]
Ag pyramid nanostructures
Study of Optical Properties of Ag Pyramid Nanostructures by Discrete Dipole Approximation Method [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 221-227]
Ag Raman modes
Electron-phonon interaction in high temperature superconductors [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 236-236]
Ag-SiO2 thin films
The effect of AgNO3 concentration on formation of Ag nanoparticles in Sol-Gel derived Ag-SiO2 thin films [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2007, Pages 213-218]
Aharonov-Bohm oscillations
Effects of magnetic impurities on electron transmission in a quantum nanoring [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 313-320]
First-Principles study of Hall coefficient in some cubic metals using Maximally localized Wannier functions [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 213-219]
Investigation of solution effect on the EPR spectrum of alanine radicals based on density functional theory [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 139-150]
Calculation of hyperfine coupling constant and the g tensor of alanine radicals at different crystal temperatures based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 713-721]
Alborz observatory
Simulation of possibility of detecting gamma rays emitted from
crab by Alborz-I array [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 711-716]
Alfven waves
Resonant absorption and damping of hydromagnetic waves in solar corona [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 145-152]
Alfven waves
Damping of visco-resistive Alfven waves in solar spicules [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 73-78]
Alfven waves
Resonant transformation of sonic-Alfven modes in solar spicules [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 93-98]
Growth and investigation of TiO2 and AlN nanostructureâs properties [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 1-7]
Synthesis Alq3and effect of concentration iton optical and electrical performance of Organic Light Emitting Diodes withtwo single-layer mixture and multilayer structures [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 43-50]
The effect of the material and distance of the substrate on the characteristics of the alumina nanopowder coating with plasma spray method [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 342-348]
The effect of precursor on the alumina nanostructures synthesized by green method for copper ions removal from industrial wastewater [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 711-722]
Prediction of elemental concentration using of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy aided by artificial neural network, statistical methods of autoregressive integrated moving average model and support vector regression and their combination [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 183-193]
Aluminum zigzag thin film
Study of the optical properties of Aluminum zigzag thin films
via transfer matrix [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 579-589]
Engineering energy gap of the carbon saturated nanowire and investigation of ammonia molecule doping effects by using initial calculations (Ab initio). [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 313-320]
Engineering energy gap of the carbon saturated nanowire and investigating the ammonia molecule doping effects by using the initial calculations (Ab initio) [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 241-248]
AMTRACK program
Calculation of Radiation Damage for Simulation of Neutron Radiation Damage by Ion Irradiation and Development AMTRACK Program. [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 251-261]
Analytical Solution
A matrix form solution of the multi-dimensional generalized Langevin equation in the quadratic potential [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 95-97]
Anapole Dark matter in the standard model extension and non-commutative standard model [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 177-180]
Anderson localization
Conductivity and superconductivity in heavily vacant diamond [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 85-89]
Anderson model
Dynamics of entanglement generation in a many-body localized system using the local integrals of motion [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 735-747]
Andreev reflection
Quantum transport in graphene normal-metal superconductor- normal-metal structures [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 114-114]
Andreev reflection
Tunneling conductance in a graphene-insulator-superconductor junction with Corbino disk structure. [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 485-489]
Aneutronic fusion
Investigating the interplay between helium ash and impurities in an aneutronic fusion plasma environment for sustainable energy production [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 167-182]
Evaluation of artificial neural network (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) methods in prediction of global solar radiation [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 347-357]
Anisotropic magnetoresistance
Anisotropic magnetoresistance in La0.4Pr0.3Ca0.3MnO3 thin films [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 605-610]
ANKE data
Investigation of the Î(1405) production in p+pâp+K+Î(1405) reaction [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 331-337]
Evaluation of artificial neural network (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) methods in prediction of global solar radiation [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 347-357]
ANNNI model
High order perturbation study of the frustrated quantum Ising chain [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 79-83]
Annular metallic photonic crystals
Generalization of the Dirichlet to Neumann map method for investigating the band structure of annular metallic photonic crystals [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 13-22]
Annular multipass absorption cell
Design and optimization of an elliptical cell for laser absorption spectroscopy [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 207-220]
Formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays and its photoelectrochemical response [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 53-57]
Anomalous dispersion
Investigation of refractive index and group velocity of metal coated dielectric spherical nanocomposites within both passive and active dielectric cores [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 75-87]
Production of anti-hydrogen atom by charge transfer process in anti-proton-positronium atom impact [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 433-442]
Insight into the electronic and elastic properties of Li-rich- antiperovskite Li3OCl under hydrostatic pressures [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 89-93]
Anti-reflective coatings
Investigating the effect of annealing on structural and optical properties of TiO2 and SiO2 broadband reflective layers coated by the plasma sputtering method [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 141-145]
Photometric and Spectroscopic studies of Ap star Cyg V1584 [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2000, Pages 291-300]
Ab inito calculations of Hubbard parameters for NiO and Gd crystals [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 143-152]
Band structure of fcc-C60 solid state crystal study [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 137-147]
Arc melting
Comparison of the effect of Si and Ge presence on phase formation process, the structural and magnetic properties of Co2FeX (X=Ge,Si) Heusler compounds [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 129-137]
Argon Plasma Jet
Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma source design and construction using Argon as the working gas for wound healing [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 479-487]
Argon Plasma Jet
Application of cascade antenna array to diagnose plasma bullets and investigation the velocity of bullets in an argon plasma jet [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 795-801]
Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons
The effect of extended vacancies on the thermal properties of armchair garaphene nanoribbons [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 322-329]
Arrhenius model
DC conductivity studies of ZnS and Ag nanoparticles doped P3HT thin films [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 55-61]
Artificial neural network ARIMA
Prediction of elemental concentration using of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy aided by artificial neural network, statistical methods of autoregressive integrated moving average model and support vector regression and their combination [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 183-193]
Asymmetric fission
Transition from asymmetric to symmetric fission in 45-69 MeV proton induced fission of 238U [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 7-13]
Asymmetric nuclear matter
The asymmetric nuclear matter correlated states in the LOCV framework [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 651-662]
Atmospheric pressure microwave plasma jet
Generation and investigation of plasma ball and plasma jet by microwave at atmospheric pressure [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 647-660]
Atomic line filter
Investigation of the temperature and magnetic field effect on the Cesium D1 atomic line filter characteristics [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 165-172]
First-Principles study of Hall coefficient in some cubic metals using Maximally localized Wannier functions [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 213-219]
Synthesis and examination of new PVA-Fe2O3-Au hybrid composite [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 135-139]
Au – Ag Nanoalloy
Optical extinction of AuâAg spherical nanoalloy [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 219-225]
Axionic Fields
Entanglement of purification in the presence of axion fields [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 139-147]
AXUV photodiode
Characterization of EUV and Soft X-ray emitted by plasma produced in a nanosecond laser field using AXUV Photo-Diode detector [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 825-830]
Magnetoelastic effects in Nd4Fe77.5B18.5 nano-composite magnet [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 17-27]
B2CO monolayer
Ab initio study of electronic and thermoelectric properties of a new B2CO monolayer [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 305-313]
Ballistic deposition
Random deposition model with friction: Equivalent to ballistic deposition without lateral growth [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 537-543]
Barium hexaferrite
Preparation and investigation of structural, magnetic and microwave absorption properties of cerium doped barium hexaferrite [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 341-349]
Barium hexaferrites
Synthesis and evaluation of physical and magnetic properties of doped barium hexaferrite with BaZn0.6Zr0.3X0.3Fe10.8O19 (X=Ti,Ce,Sn) composition [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 357-363]
Barium substitution
The effect of Ba substitution at Sr site in Bi-2223 high-TC superconductors [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 77-81]
Enhancement of spontaneous emission and material gain from CdSe/CdS quantum dot [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 89-93]
Calculation of optical properties and electronic structure of BaTiO3[Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 47-52]
Calculation of electronic structure and density of state for BaTiO3[Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 169-175]
Bayesian Spectral Analysis
The Application of Bayesian Spectral Analysis in Photometric Time Series [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 541-551]
Bayes’ Theorem
The Application of Bayesian Spectral Analysis in Photometric Time Series [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 541-551]
Optimization of the BCS model for small systems and thermodynamic properties of 96-97Mo [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 267-272]
Beam characteristic
Design and Construction of a Traveling Wave Electron
Linear Accelerator at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 549-587]
Signatures of granular superconductivity and Josephson effects in macroscopic measurements: the case of new superconductors [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 226-226]
Bell's inequality
CP and Bell's inequality violation in the neutrino-antineutrino oscillations [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 145-159]
Berezin’s quantization
Berezin’s quantization approach for determining the ladder operators associated to a movement particle on the circle and sphere [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 181-187]
Berry curvature
First-principles study of Berry curvature and intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity in ferromagnetic materials using Maximally localized Wannier function [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 51-56]
Berry phase
Berry phase for a particle in an infinite spherical potential well with moving wall [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 227-232]
Berry phase
Intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity of Dirac band in presence of the normal magnetic field [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 291-295]
Bethe-Salpeter equation
Bethe-Salpeter equation in non-commutative space [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 55-61]
Bethe-Salpeter equation
Semieptonic weak decay of B to D and D*[Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 49-54]
Bi2212 phase
The effect of sintering temperature on the intergranular properties and weak link behavior of Bi2223 superconductors [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 1-7]
Effect of Ag in structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Ag-sheated Bi-2223 wires [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 52-57]
Bi-2223 phase
The effect of Al2O3 nanopowder addition on the phase formation and the superconducting properties of Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr1.9Ca2.1Cu3O10-y [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 65-69]
Bi-2223 superconductor wires
Investigation of particle size on the phase formation and microstructure of Bi-2223/Ag wire [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2007, Pages 242-242]
Bianchi type - II
Bulk viscous string cosmological models in Saez â Ballester theory of gravitation [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 497-497]
Bianchi Type-I Space-Time
String Cosmological Model in 5-Dimensional Space-Time: Interacting with viscous Fluid [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 129-133]
Bianchi type-VI0
Strange quark matter attached to string cloud in general scalar tensor theory of gravitation [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 35-39]
Bi-based superconductor
Low-energy neutron irradiation on Bi-based (2223) Ag superconductors [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 59-63]
Bi-based superconductor
The effect of Al2O3 nanopowder addition on the phase formation and the superconducting properties of Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr1.9Ca2.1Cu3O10-y [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 65-69]
Bi-based superconductor
Magnetic and structure properties of Cd doping Bi-2223 superconductor [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 87-90]
Bi-based superconductors
The effect of Ba substitution at Sr site in Bi-2223 high-TC superconductors [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 77-81]
Numerical analysis of fold-pitchfork bifurcation with symmetry and its application in the pipe flow [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 125-137]
The effect of MgO nano-particles on Bi-2223 high temperature superconductors prepared by chemical sol-gel method [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 267-273]
Synthesis and characterization of porous BiVO4 thin films: the effect of structural defects on photoelectrochemical properties [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 387-402]
B meson
QCD factorization and CP asymmetries in hadronic BâKÏ decays [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 372-372]
B meson decay
The study of decay with the calculation of its branching ratio [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 701-705]
B meson decays
Studies of Three-Body B^+âD Ì ^* ã(2007)ã^0 K^+ K Ì ^0 and B^0âD^* ã(2010)ã^- K^+ K Ì ^0 Decays [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 95-100]
Beam neutron energy optimization for boron neutron capture therapy using Monte Carlo method [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2006, Pages 55-65]
Investigation of Isfahan miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) for boron neutron capture therapy by MCNP simulation [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 327-339]
Bogoliubov coefficients
Tripartite entanglement of bosonic systems in a noninertial frame beyond the single- mode approximation [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 317-335]
Bohm criterion
Sheath characteristics in collisional magnetized plasma with nonextensive electrons and thermal ions [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 255-267]
Bohmian mechanics
An alternative theory for the Bohmian mechanics [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 109-122]
Bohmian quantum mechanics
Study of the coherent propagation of charged leptons coming from pion and W decay in Bohmian mechanics [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 283-289]
Bohmian quantum mechanics
Using Bohmian trajectories in gravitational reduction of the wave function [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 61-73]
Bohm potential
Electrostatic compressive and rarefactive dust ion-acoustic solitons in four component quantum plasma [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 91-96]
Boltzmann transport equation
Investigation of phonon properties and thermal behavior of UO2 crystal using density-functional theory [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 65-72]
Boltzmann transport equation
Ab initio study of electronic and thermoelectric properties of a new B2CO monolayer [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 305-313]
Study of corrections on the holographic zero sound [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 773-782]
Bopp-Podolsky theory
Stability of higher derivative modifications of Einstein - aether theory [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 463-470]
Born approximation
Direct excitations of He+ and Li++ ions by collisions with protons or antiprotons [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 632-632]
Born-Faddeev approximation
Using the first-order Born-Faddeev approximation in ionization channel [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 455-461]
Born-Faddeev approximtion
Calculation of total excitation cross section in the collision of bare ions with atomic hydrogen for transition from ground to and states using Born-Faddeev approximation [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 77-84]
Born Markov approximation
Quantum transport in the Ising chain: global vs local approach [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 139-151]
Evaluation of the effect of different concentrations of boron on proton therapy of the liver using GEANT4 Monte Carlo toolkit [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 153-159]
Bose-einstein condensation
Effects of anisotropic potentials on the energy gap of Bose gas [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 121-124]
Bose Einstein condensation
Bose Einstein condensation of gases in a harmonic potential trap [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 11-16]
Bose gas
Effects of anisotropic potentials on the energy gap of Bose gas [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 121-124]
Bosonic field
Tripartite entanglement of bosonic systems in a noninertial frame beyond the single- mode approximation [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 317-335]
Bosonic string
Quantum vacuum effects for a massive Bosonic string in background B-field [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 107-110]
Interaction between F2 gas with the pristine and 3C-doped(4, 4) armchair boron phosphide nanotubes: a DFT study [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 344-344]
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube using DFT method [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 75-86]
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and
Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube: DFT method [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 39-49]
Bragg peak
Evaluation of the effect of different concentrations of boron on proton therapy of the liver using GEANT4 Monte Carlo toolkit [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 153-159]
Bragg reflector
Analysis of radiative cooling effect and Bragg reflector [(Articles in Press)]
Brans Dicke gravity
Brans-Dicke classical cosmology in Einstein frame and metric [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 203-211]
Cosmological solutions of Brans-Dicke equations with cosmological constant [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 177-183]
Brinkman-Kramers formalism
Investigation of the charge transfer process in the ion- multielectron atoms impact using the eikonal approximation with the
Brinkman-Kramers formalism [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 559-569]
Ab-initio investigation of structural, electronic and optical properties BSb compound in bulk and surface (110) states [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-8]
BSCCO superconductor
Effect of the fabrication process on the superconducting properties of Pb-BSCCO [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 517-534]
Investigation of confined hydrogen atom in spherical cavity, using B-splines basis set [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 309-316]
B-spline technique
Investigation of electron and hydrogenic-donor states confined in a permeable spherical box using B-splines [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 266-266]
Buffer layer
Improving the performance of cadmium telluride solar cell (CdTe) with different buffer layers [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 139-147]
Bulge quantum wires
Calculation of electrical transport properties and electron entanglement in inhomogeneous quantum wires [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 241-250]
Bulk viscosity
Bulk viscous string cosmological models in Saez â Ballester theory of gravitation [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 497-497]
Burstein-Moss effect
Effective mass in diluted magnetic semiconductors: Zn0.98Ti0.02O by means of magneto-optics [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 309-309]
C60 cluster
Band structure of fcc-C60 solid state crystal study [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 137-147]
The nano-science of C60 molecule [Volume 3, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 167-167]
C60 molecule
Temperature dependence of I-V characteristics of C60 molecule [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 64-64]
C60 molecule
Optical properties of C60 molecules: A quasi-static approximation [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 775-782]
Cadmium Telluride
Annealing temperature effect on optical properties of cadmium telluride thin films [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 215-223]
Cairns distribution
Investigating ion acoustic waves in dusty plasmas containing hot ions, electrons and non-thermal positrons with Cairns distribution [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 535-543]
Calcium channel
Modeling the effect of a electric field on the dynamics of calcium ions in calcium ion channel [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 551-558]
Calcium Ion
Modeling the effect of a electric field on the dynamics of calcium ions in calcium ion channel [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 551-558]
Caldirola-Kanai equation
Dissipative motion of Gaussian wavepackets: free propagation and transmission through a rectangular barrier [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Caldirola-Kanai equation
Dissipative diffraction in time and early-arrival in continuous
quantum-classical transition [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 69-79]
Carbon Allotrope
Investigation of the performance of T-carbon ِnanostructure as optical absorbing material under hydrostatic stress [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 255-262]
Carbon nano filaments
Nano filaments (CNT & CNF) and 123 systems [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 25-28]
Carbon Nano Ring
Theoretical investigation of using armchair and zigzag carbon nano rings for DNA sequencing based on density functional theory [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 879-897]
Study of electronic and Structural Properties of CaS [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 223-232]
Casimir energy
Quantum vacuum effects for a massive Bosonic string in background B-field [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 107-110]
Casimir nano system
Rectification of a Casimir Nanomachine with a Triangular Wave Signal [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 553-560]
Caspian sea
The role of internal waves in the formation of layered structure at exchange flows between two closed basins (Middle and southern basins of the Caspian sea) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2005, Pages 213-224]
First principles study of CaTiO3 crystal in paraelectric and ferroelectric phases [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 103-108]
Cavity solitons
The study of twin phase solitons interaction and switching [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 677-688]
Cayley tree
Studying of the shock measure on a Cayley tree by full-interval method [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 37-43]
CBD method
Ni doped ZnO nanorod/glass prepared by chemical bath deposition [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 85-88]
Growth of Cd0.96Zn0.04Te single crystals by vapor phase gas transport method [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 53-53]
CDBS positron spectrometer
Reduction of background in CDBS spectrometer: An analytical review of the hyperbolic positron spectrum [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 689-699]
Theoretical study of helium atom single ionization by bare carbon ions impact [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 195-204]
Ce doping
Phonon modes in Gd1-xCexBa2Cu3O7-δ [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 21-23]
The order parameter symmetry in CeIrIn5 [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 27-33]
Cerium crystal
Structural and electronic properties of cerium from LDA+U calculations [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 235-240]
Grain size stabilization of tetragonal phase of zirconia in sputtered Zr- O cermet films [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 97-102]
Cesium D1 transition line
Investigation of the temperature and magnetic field effect on the Cesium D1 atomic line filter characteristics [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 165-172]
Ce substitution
Preparation and investigation of structural, magnetic and microwave absorption properties of cerium doped barium hexaferrite [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 341-349]
The effect of oxygen impurity on the electronic and optical properties of calcium, strontium and barium chalcogenide compounds [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 187-196]
Changing Neutral Current (FCNC)
Future lepton collider potential in the search for top quark FCNC coupling [(Articles in Press)]
Charge and orbital ordering
Analyze of Mn K-edge resonance X-ray scattering in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3[Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 43-51]
Cherenkov photons
Origin of hump in lateral distribution of Cherenkov photon density generated by gamma cosmic ray and study of its characteristics [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 169-176]
Cherenkov radiation
Generation of Cherenkov radiation in the soft x-ray region by 10-MeV electron accelerator [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 279-287]
Chern invariant
Principles of topology in understanding and development of topological
states of matter [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-22]
Statistical analysis of heart beat time series [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 53-59]
Choi-Jamiołkowski isomorphism
Generalizing the framework of Dominy-Shabani-Lidar for the reduced dynamics [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 451-459]
Cleri-Rosato potential
Investigation of mechanical and thermal properties of cobalt using a molecular dynamics simulation [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 161-166]
Closed cycle
The effect of closed cycle of air flow circulation on the thermal performance of solar air collector [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 51-59]
Cloud Strings
String Cosmological Model in 5-Dimensional Space-Time: Interacting with viscous Fluid [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 129-133]
CMB random field
CMB dipole asymmetry through annular variance [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 795-801]
CMB stochastic field
Polarization of the CMB cold spot by the gravitational lensing of a cosmic void and texture [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 611-620]
Large and small solar coronal mass ejections [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 29-36]
Growth and investigation of TiO2 and AlN nanostructureâs properties [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 1-7]
Comparison of fractal and CMR models to investigate ionic conductivity [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 9-14]
Search for supersymmetry in top final states at CMS [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 63-63]
Carbon nanotubes doped with trivalent elements by using back - scattering Raman spectroscopy [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 219-226]
Ab-initio calculations of pressure effect on electronic and magnetic structure of ferromagnetic-superconductor RuSr2GdCu2O8 [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 145-149]
First-principles study of Berry curvature and intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity in ferromagnetic materials using Maximally localized Wannier function [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 51-56]
CO2 dissociation
Optimization of some input parameters of a pulsed TEA CO2 laser based on the generalized Landau-Teller equations [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 545-553]
Co2FeAl nanoparticles
Investigation of the magnetic interactions in Co2FeAl alloy nanoparticles using FORC analysis [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 69-74]
CO2 laser
HRR TEA CO2 laser with 220W average output power [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 73-76]
The effect of the material and distance of the substrate on the characteristics of the alumina nanopowder coating with plasma spray method [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 342-348]
Cobalt Ferrite
Enhancement of specific surface area of CoFe2O4 powders synthesized by KCl-assisted solution combustion: effect of KCl content and initial pH [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 353-371]
CO detection
MIR-difference-frequency laser spectrometer for CO detection in combustions [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2002, Pages 323-323]
CoFe2O4 nanoparticles
Study of the effect of particle size on the specific absorption rate of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles in a radio frequency magnetic field [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 303-317]
Coherent perfect absorber
Investigation of entanglement of atomic systems near coherent perfect absorber materials [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 575-583]
Cold Press (CP)
Effect of the fabrication process on the superconducting properties of Pb-BSCCO [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 517-534]
Collective decay rate
Investigation of entanglement of atomic systems near coherent perfect absorber materials [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 575-583]
Color code
Local disentanglers for the equivalence of two-dimensional topological quantum codes [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 643-653]
Coloumb repulsion
Calculation of electrical transport properties and electron entanglement in inhomogeneous quantum wires [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 241-250]
Coma cluster
Review of the measurements and results of the Coma cluster dark mass [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 39-44]
Coma galaxy cluster
Review of the measurements and results of the Coma cluster dark mass [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 39-44]
Complex tone
The study of scale in Persian music according to notes spectrums [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 283-288]
Compound Nucleus
Symmetry breaking in mirror nuclei55 Co and 55Ni [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 253-253]
Compound Nucleus
Dynamical study of emitted particles from exited nucleus using Langevin approach [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 445-450]
Compton phenomenon
Reduction of background in CDBS spectrometer: An analytical review of the hyperbolic positron spectrum [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 689-699]
Compton scattering
Compton scattering as a probe for materials investigation [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 215-215]
Compton scattering
Determination of saturation depth in Compton scattering using Artificial Neural Network [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 195-205]
Compton scattering
The investigation of photons energy distribution changing in ignition condition of equimolar deuterium- tritium fuel [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 243-249]
Design of cavities of a standing wave accelerating tube for a 6 MeV electron linear accelerator [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 205-212]
Optimization of energy consumption in the building of department of physics, university of Tehran [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 441-456]
COMSOL simulation
Design, optimization and construction of a sputter ion pump [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 197-203]
COMSOL simulator
Double Langmuir probe measurement of plasma parameters in a dc glow discharge [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 494-494]
Co nanowire
The effect of crystalline and shape anisotropy on the magnetic properties of Co and Ni nanowires [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 73-80]
Co nanowires
The effect of non-symmetric ac electrodeposition in electrolytes with various PH on the crystal structure and magnetic properties of Co nanowires [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 181-187]
Concentric spherical shells
3D wave expansion solution in spherical multilayer structures for acoustic illusion [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 471-479]
Cone- periodic ripples
Formation of different microstructures on a polyethersulfone film following XeCl laser irradiation [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 47-52]
Confinement parameter
Proton-boron-11 fusion under effect of the temperature turbulence [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 99-109]
Conformal Field Theory
Improving the Upper Bound on the Scaling Dimension in 2 Dimensional CFT [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 629-629]
Congestive heart failure (CHF)
Level crossing analysis of complex physiologic time series [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2007, Pages 147-150]
Constrained Path Integral
Pacifying the Fermi-liquid: battling the devious fermion signs [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 111-111]
Controllability in nonlinear dynamical systems: a compartmental model [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-8]
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Encoding and transmission of information based on radial carpet beams and convolutional neural network detection [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 597-604]
Magnetic anisotropy of cobalt - palladium CoxPd100-x thin films on amorphous SiO2 [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 411-416]
Corbino disk
Adiabatic pumping current in a graphene based normal-insulator-superconductor junction with Corbino disk structure [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 139-143]
Corbino disk
Tunneling conductance in a graphene-insulator-superconductor junction with Corbino disk structure. [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 485-489]
Improving gas sensor properties of encapsulated ZnO nanorods for ethanol detection using ZnO:Cr layer as an encapsulated layer [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 561-571]
Improving corrosion resistance of aluminum by zirconium carbide thin films [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 167-175]
Cosmic ray simulation and dependence of maximum air shower development (Hmax) on mass and energy of primaries temperature [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2006, Pages 87-94]
Dependence of Xmax and multiplicity of electron and muon on different high energy interaction models [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 47-53]
Origin of hump in lateral distribution of Cherenkov photon density generated by gamma cosmic ray and study of its characteristics [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 169-176]
Cosmic ray
Cosmic ray simulation and dependence of maximum air shower development (Hmax) on mass and energy of primaries temperature [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2006, Pages 87-94]
Cosmic ray
Observations on sun's shadow by a tracking cosmic ray telescope [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 219-225]
Cosmic ray
Dependence of Xmax and multiplicity of electron and muon on different high energy interaction models [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 47-53]
Cosmic ray
Origin of hump in lateral distribution of Cherenkov photon density generated by gamma cosmic ray and study of its characteristics [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 169-176]
Cosmic ray
Determination of optimum Distance for ALBORZ-1 array [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 81-89]
Cosmic ray
Investigation of ultra-high energy cosmic ray mass composition by the ground based detectors [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 123-127]
Cosmic ray
Reconstruction of extensive air showrs core location using cosmic ray radio signals [(Articles in Press)]
COSMO model
Investigation of solution effect on the EPR spectrum of alanine radicals based on density functional theory [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 139-150]
Coulomb Displacement Energies
Symmetry breaking in mirror nuclei55 Co and 55Ni [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 253-253]
Coulomb wave function
Production of anti-hydrogen atom by charge transfer process in anti-proton-positronium atom impact [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 433-442]
Coupled-channels calculations
Systematic study of the fusion hindrance phenomenon using the proximity potential approach: signature of the energy-dependent effects of the surface energy coefficient [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 619-633]
Coupled josephson junctions
Dynamics of coupled Josephson junctions in an asymmetric triangular single plaquette [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 112-115]
Coupled states
The asymmetric nuclear matter correlated states in the LOCV framework [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 651-662]
Coupling constant
Effect of Coupling Constant Correction on Equilibration Time [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 451-457]
Coupling Constants
Effect of the coupling constants between nearest-neighbors in quantum wire coupled to a ring [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 349-357]
CoZn nanowire
Synthesis of CoZn nanowire in anodic aluminum templets and their characterization by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 129-137]
CP asymmetry
QCD factorization and CP asymmetries in hadronic BâKÏ decays [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 372-372]
CPT symmetry
Feynman rules in the Lorentz violating extension of the standard model [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 273-285]
CP violation
CP violation and electroweak phase transition within the [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 391-395]
CP violation
Screening of electron electric dipole moment through the Foldy-Wouthuysen representation [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 53-62]
CP violation
CP and Bell's inequality violation in the neutrino-antineutrino oscillations [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 145-159]
Stability of solitary solutions to the cubic-quintic coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation(CQCNLSE) [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 245-251]
Stability of solitary solutions to the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation (CQNLSE) [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 41-47]
Cr alloy
Ab-initio study of the structural, magnetic and electric properties of NixCr1-x x={0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875} [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 61-72]
Hyperfine field on Fe, Rh, Cd and Sn nucleus probes in chromium host [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 29-39]
Cr doping
Ferromagnetic transition and double exchange of electrons in the Ru1-xCrxCaO3 compounds [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 105-108]
Critical Coefficients
Numerical analysis of fold-pitchfork bifurcation with symmetry and its application in the pipe flow [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 125-137]
Critical Current Density and Flux pinning
Investigation of structural and Magnetic properties of (Nb) Substituted YBCO-system [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 79-85]
Critical current density (Jc)
The effect of partial Nb doping on magnetic and electrical behavior of Y-123 superconductors with Nano CuO [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 87-92]
Study of Optical Properties of Ag Pyramid Nanostructures by Discrete Dipole Approximation Method [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 221-227]
Study of optical properties of Ag ellipsoid nanostructures by discrete dipole approximation method [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 589-596]
Crystal Field Parameters
Crystal field and Ce3+ ion energy levels of CeCl3 compound [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 105-113]
The role of charge symmetry breaking in binding energy difference of 17F17O, 15O-15N mirror nuclei [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 85-90]
CsI:Na scintillator
Ionoluminescence investigation of ambient humidity effects on CsI:Na scintillator crystal [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 153-158]
Optimization of a high-power coaxial coupler to 1800 waveguide coupler with high input power using CST simulator controlled by MATLAB [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 795-804]
Conceptual design, manufacturing and investigation of dipole plasma antenna with the capability of frequency variation in the VHF band [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 747-758]
CST software
Design and simulation of the parameters affecting the ion beam characteristics from a penning ion source [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 103-116]
CST studio
Design, simulation and construction of quadrupole magnets for focusing electron beam in powerful industrial electron accelerator [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 145-151]
CST Studio Suite
Design & simulation of a 800 kV dynamitron accelerator by CST studio [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 243-251]
Design and construction of voltage measurement instrument (GVM) for
1.5 MV dynamitron accelerator [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 861-869]
CST Studio Suite software
Design and simulation of a 500 kV acceleration tube for Dynamitron accelerators [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 263-281]
First-Principles study of Hall coefficient in some cubic metals using Maximally localized Wannier functions [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 213-219]
Study of the effect of thermal treatment on the Emission Spectrum from LiF:Mg,Cu,P compared to LiF:P [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 17-20]
Investigation of Cu2+ impurity effect on thermoluminescence [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 235-240]
Cu dopant
The effect of the Cu dopant on the ultraviolet photodetector based on ZnO nanorods [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 571-580]
Investigation of electron transport properties in fullerene and fullerane nanocages [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 441-448]
Cu/Pd multilayer nanowires
Electrochemical fabrication of Cu/Pd multilayer nanowires in polycarbonate template [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 263-263]
Cuprate super conductivity
Comments on theories of high temperature superconductivity [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 224-224]
Curved space-time
Hidden symmetry of three dimensional rotating black hole [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 511-514]
Effect of antimony concentration on optical, electrical and structural
properties of copper antimony sulphide thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 89-94]
Synthesis and characterization of MWCNT/CdS nanocomposite [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 53-56]
Dark matter
Astrophysical consequences of cold dark matter [Volume 3, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 133-138]
Dark matter
Dark matter or the other dynamics [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 113-119]
Dark matter
Singlet particles as cold dark matter in θ-exact non-commutative space-time [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 389-392]
Dark matter
Mono-Z constraints on the fermionic dark matter model with pseudoscalar mediator at the LHC [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 669-680]
Dark matter
Anapole Dark matter in the standard model extension and non-commutative standard model [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 177-180]
Dark matter
Singlet scalar dark matter in noncommutative space [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 455-461]
Dark matter
Leptophilic vector dark matter and XENON1T electronic recoil excess [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 827-835]
Dark matter
Gravitational collapse of the galactic dark matter [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 101-106]
Dark matter
Review of the measurements and results of the Coma cluster dark mass [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 39-44]
M-theory giant gravitons from the perspective of type IIA superstring theory [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 97-110]
DC conductivity
DC conductivity studies of ZnS and Ag nanoparticles doped P3HT thin films [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 55-61]
DC SQUID, NQUID and nanoSQUID; âThe prediction of behaviors on the base of analytic results of the Fokker-Planck equationâ [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 121-125]
Debye-Einstein thermal model
Theoretical study of ThO2 by first principles calculations [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 91-109]
Debye-Huckel regime
Investigation of electrostatic potential of a helical biomolecule in the Debye-Huckel regime by considering the dielectric inhomogeneity [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 467-475]
Decay Schemes
Symmetry breaking in mirror nuclei55 Co and 55Ni [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 253-253]
Deep Learning
using of deep learning on designing and optimizing an optical fiber temperature sensor with isopropanol cover [(Articles in Press)]
Deng-Fan potential
Calculation of the rotational bands for the 20Ne isotope [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 359-364]
Density Function Theory
Investigation of effect of magnetic ordering on structural and electronic properties of double perovskites Sr2BWO6 (B = Co, Ni, Cu) using ab initio method [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 263-272]
Density Function Theory
Investigation of the interaction of 5-fluorouracil anticancer drug connected to the pristine, titanium doped boron phosphide nanocage (B12P12) with adenine nucleobases: by density functional theory [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 565-584]
Density Function Theory
Investigation of the performance of T-carbon ِnanostructure as optical absorbing material under hydrostatic stress [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 255-262]
Density of surface states
Simulation the effects of temperature and magnetic field on the density of surface states in semiconductor heterostructures [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 69-74]
Deterministic and Monte Carlo approaches
Control rods reactivity worth calculation using deterministic and Monte Carlo approaches for an MTR type research reactor [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 127-136]
Deuterium-tritium fuel
The role of the temperature anisotropy in the deuterium-tritium fuel ignition under the effect of relativistic shock waves [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 147-156]
Dez river
Assessment of natural radioactivity in soil samples of Dez river sides â Khouzestan province [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 369-374]
DFB tunable laser
Field detection of CO and CH4 by NIR 2f modulation laser spectroscopy [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 337-337]
Optical properties and electronic structure of ceramics tetragonal PbTiO3 by using full-potential linearized augmented plane wave [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 261-266]
Calculation of optical properties and electronic structure of BaTiO3[Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 47-52]
Calculation of electronic structure and density of state for BaTiO3[Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 169-175]
Ab initio study of solid CeIn3 at high pressures [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 99-107]
Ab inito calculations of Hubbard parameters for NiO and Gd crystals [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 143-152]
The effect of oxygen impurity on the electronic and optical properties of calcium, strontium and barium chalcogenide compounds [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 187-196]
Theoretical study of the structural stability for fcc-CHx phases using density functional theory [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 129-138]
Ab-initio investigation of structural, electronic and optical properties BSb compound in bulk and surface (110) states [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Interaction between F2 gas with the pristine and 3C-doped(4, 4) armchair boron phosphide nanotubes: a DFT study [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 344-344]
Magnetic properties of zigzag (0,9) GaAs nanotube doped with 3d transition metals [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 35-44]
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube using DFT method [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 75-86]
Magnetic properties of single 3d-transition metals added on 2D hexagonal Boron Nitride [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 397-409]
Calculation of the structural and electronic properties of III-V semiconductor compounds using advanced functionals of density functional theory [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 39-48]
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and
Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube: DFT method [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 39-49]
DFT calculations
Evaluating the performance of graphene with structural defect and functionalized by âC6H4 as an electrode active material for supercapacitors [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 273-281]
Relativistic effects in the study of structure and electronic properties of UO2 within DFT+U method [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 141-146]
DGP brane cosmology
The investigation of stability of brane induced gravity model in the presence of a scalar field with various kinds of potential [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 391-399]
Engineering energy gap of the carbon saturated nanowire and investigation of ammonia molecule doping effects by using initial calculations (Ab initio). [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 313-320]
Engineering energy gap of the carbon saturated nanowire and investigating the ammonia molecule doping effects by using the initial calculations (Ab initio) [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 241-248]
Diamond-like carbon
Investigating the effect of RF power in dual cathode plasma magnetron sputtering on the optical, structural, and electrical properties of Cu-DLC thin films [(Articles in Press)]
Dilaton field
Brans-Dicke classical cosmology in Einstein frame and metric [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 203-211]
Dirac equation
Hypercentral constituent quark model and the hyperfine dependence potential [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 127-127]
Dirac equation
Calculating charge radius for proton with hyper central interacting color potential [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 216-216]
Dirac oscilator
The Klein-Gordon and the Dirac oscillators in a non-commutative space and in a constant magnetic field [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 45-48]
Dirac phase
Particle in a quantum well with a moving wall [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 133-137]
Dirichlet-to-Neumann map method
Generalization of the Dirichlet to Neumann map method for investigating the band structure of annular metallic photonic crystals [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 13-22]
Discrete Dipole Approximation
Study of Optical Properties of Ag Pyramid Nanostructures by Discrete Dipole Approximation Method [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 221-227]
Discrete Dipole Approximation
Investigation of extinction spectra of THTS Mn thin films and comparsion with discrete dipole approximation simulation results [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 117-127]
Discrete Dipole Approximation
Study of optical properties of Ag ellipsoid nanostructures by discrete dipole approximation method [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 589-596]
Discrete Dipole Approximation
Simulating the sensing properties of silver nanoparticles for identifying molecular structures using modified discrete dipole approximation method
[Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 289-295]
Disperse Blue 1
Optical Nonlinearity and Optical Limiting Performance of Disperse Blue 1/Dioxane via Z-Scan Technique [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 137-143]
A Probe into the Mobility Pattern of Taxis in the City of Isfahan [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 73-80]
Magnetic properties of zigzag (0,9) GaAs nanotube doped with 3d transition metals [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 35-44]
Electronic conduction of poly(dG)-poly(dC) DNA in SWNT/DNA/SWNT structure [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 249-249]
Construction and testing of a hydrogen cracking cell [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 335-335]
Electronic transport through dsDNA based junction: a Fibonacci model [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 67-72]
Investigation of electrostatic potential of a helical biomolecule in the Debye-Huckel regime by considering the dielectric inhomogeneity [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 467-475]
DNA biosensor
Study of biosensor properties of Ag-Au nanocomposite in the vicinity of DNA [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 375-379]
DNA damage
Monte Carlo simulation of microscopic DNA damage by 30 keV electrons using Geant4-DNA [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 621-628]
DNA damage
Investigating the damage to the genetic material of the cell induced by protons and carbon ions with the MCDS code compared to the results of the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo code [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-63]
DNA damage
Simulations of DNA damage types and frequencies induced by carbon ions [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 307-313]
DNA damage
Comparison of direct DNA damage by protons and oxygen, carbon, and helium ions using Geant4-DNA code [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 611-619]
DNA dynamics
Topological solitons in DNA with modified potential [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 1-8]
DNA molecule
Electron transport in DNA sequencing connected to silicene electrodes: design of electronic devices [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 37-44]
DNA sequencing
Theoretical investigation of using armchair and zigzag carbon nano rings for DNA sequencing based on density functional theory [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 879-897]
Dolinar receiver
Discriminating between optical coherent superposition states with imperfect detection [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 723-730]
Engineering energy gap of the carbon saturated nanowire and investigation of ammonia molecule doping effects by using initial calculations (Ab initio). [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 313-320]
Engineering energy gap of the carbon saturated nanowire and investigating the ammonia molecule doping effects by using the initial calculations (Ab initio) [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 241-248]
Doppler effects
Designing and manufacturing of solar imaging and tracking system [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 523-530]
Nano structures of amorphous silicon: localization and energy gap [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 283-287]
Dragonfly algorithm
Increasing cycle length and flattening power distribution in soluble boron-free small modular reactor [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 237-254]
Drude’s theory
Study of optical properties of thin copper films on glass substrate using Kramers-Kronig method [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 203-207]
Energy gain of ignitable targets in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) [Volume 3, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 89-99]
Neutron, electron and photon transport in ICF tragets in direct and fast ignition [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2005, Pages 197-212]
DT+D3He fuel configuration
On the energy gain enhancement of DT+D3He fuel configuration in nuclear fusion reactor driven by heavy ion beams [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 179-193]
D-T fuel
Investigation of fusion gain in fast ignition with conical targets [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 359-365]
Duffing-Holmes oscillator
Frequencyâdriven chaos in the electrical circuit of Duffing-Holmes oscillator and its control [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 492-492]
Dusty plasma crystal
The effect of the dustâs electric dipole moment on transverse oscillations of the one dimensional dusty crystals [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 273-281]
Theoretical calculation of angular distribution of the 16O(d,p0)17O reaction at low energies [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 145-149]
Dynamical CS Modified Gravity
Time Dependent Gravitational Constant in Chern Simons Modified Gravity [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 41-48]
Dynamic stability
Quasinormal modes of black holes in dRGT massive gravity
under electromagnetic perturbations [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 213-218]
Dynamic stability
Dynamic stability of iron oxide-ethylene glycol nanofluids [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 85-88]
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction
Effect of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya on Magnetic orders of J_1-J_2 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 585-594]
The role of the cell shapes on the characteristics of a complex earthquake network [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 95-105]
Simulating the interactions between the produced neutrons from piezoelectric rocks and the surrounding medium during earthquakes [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 53-60]
E×B drift instability
Simulation of effective parameters on the anomalous electrons drifts in the Hall Effect thruster by PIC method [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 921-932]
Eckart potential
Effects of interfacial potential smoothness on reflectivity, phase, and polarization of reflected neutrons from magnetic films in neutron reflectometry [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 329-335]
Eclipsing binaries
Anomalous behavior in the light variations of RZ Cas [Volume 3, Issue 1, 2002, Pages 81-81]
Theoretical study of the structural stability for fcc-CHx phases using density functional theory [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 129-138]
Effective Hamiltonian
Crystal field and Ce3+ ion energy levels of CeCl3 compound [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 105-113]
Effective Phase Shifts
Properties of 132Xe Neutral Atoms Scattering for 165K and 275K Temperatures [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 49-54]
Effective Total Cross Section
Properties of 132Xe Neutral Atoms Scattering for 165K and 275K Temperatures [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 49-54]
Effective Viscosity Cross Section
Properties of 132Xe Neutral Atoms Scattering for 165K and 275K Temperatures [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 49-54]
Fabrication of zinc oxide and phosphorus optical thin films and comparison of their effect on silicon solar cell efficiency [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 83-87]
Ab initio study of solid CeIn3 at high pressures [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 99-107]
Correction of the first Born approximation for ion-atom collision in excitation channel by multi-channel eikonal formalism [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 101-111]
Eikonal Direct Approximation
Positronium atomic formation in the Eikonal direct approximation [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-12]
Einstein field equations
The equilibrium configuration of rotating neutron stars [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 765-774]
Einsteinian cubic gravity
Rotating black strings in Einsteinian cubic gravity with Born-Infeld electrodynamics [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 663-670]
Einstein metrics
A class of exact solutions of higher derivative gravity in four dimensions [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 153-156]
Modeling electric image in weakly electric fish using electrical impedance tomography [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 111-116]
Ekman transport
Sea surface temperature and Ekman transport in the Persian Gulf [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 213-222]
Electrical Impedance Tomography
Modeling electric image in weakly electric fish using electrical impedance tomography [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 111-116]
Electric field
Modeling the effect of a electric field on the dynamics of calcium ions in calcium ion channel [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 551-558]
Electric fish
Modeling electric image in weakly electric fish using electrical impedance tomography [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 111-116]
Electric image
Modeling electric image in weakly electric fish using electrical impedance tomography [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 111-116]
Electromagnetically induced transparency
Electromagnetically induced transparency in a plasmonic system comprising of three metal-dielectric-metal parallel slabs: Plasmon- Plasmon interaction [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 709-715]
Electromagnetic Green tensor
Radiative heat transfer between two magnetodielectric metamaterial slabs with finite thickness in non-equilibrium situation [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 263-280]
Electron beam evaporation
Production of TiO2-SnO2 nano structural thin films prepared by electron beam and sol-gel methods as ethanol sensor [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 235-242]
Electron energy distribution function
Effect of fission fragment on thermal conductivity via electrons with an energy about 0.5 MeV in fuel rod gap [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 335-343]
Electron excited temperature
Basic model for calculating the macroscopic temperature of plasma plume and comparison with electron excitation temperature by optical spectroscopy method for non-transferred DC plasma torch [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 147-158]
Electron injection
Investigation the influence of injection angle on electron acceleration in laser wake-field accelerator with the presence of external magnetic field [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 283-290]
Electro-Optical properties
Investigation of the performance of T-carbon ِnanostructure as optical absorbing material under hydrostatic stress [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 255-262]
Carbon K edge structures of molecular crystals from first-principles: A comparison between phenanthrene and anthracene [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 490-490]
The ground state energy of 3He droplet in the LOCV framework [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 15-19]
EMC effect
The self-consistent method in calculating the ratio by using the structure functions and EMC ratios for 3He and 3H [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 101-105]
EMC effect
Investigation of nuclear structure function and angular distribution of scattered leptons from 40Ca and 56Fe nuclei [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 417-422]
Energy bandgap
Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) nanoparticles deposition on transparent conductive substrates via thermal evaporation [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 71-78]
Energy group
Control rods reactivity worth calculation using deterministic and Monte Carlo approaches for an MTR type research reactor [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 127-136]
Energy levels
Calculating modes of quantum wire systems using a finite difference technique [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 395-399]
Entanglement of Purification
Entanglement of purification in the presence of axion fields [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 139-147]
Environmental Remediation
Graphitic carbon nitride/MIL-88B(Fe) nanocomposite for methylene blue dye removal from aqueous solution by UV-visible light active photo-Fenton Reaction [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 107-114]
Epidemic Threshold
Interaction of Two Disease Spreading with Different Dynamics SIR and SIS [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 495-507]
EPR spectrum
Investigation of solution effect on the EPR spectrum of alanine radicals based on density functional theory [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 139-150]
Equilibration time
Effect of Coupling Constant Correction on Equilibration Time [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 451-457]
Comparison of physical sputtering and ion plating methods for investigation of hydrogen distribution into the hydrogen targets [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 287-293]
Statistical analysis of heart beat time series [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 53-59]
Ethylene glycol
Dynamic stability of iron oxide-ethylene glycol nanofluids [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 85-88]
Euclidean topology
Brans-Dicke classical cosmology in Einstein frame and metric [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 203-211]
EUV emission
Characterization of EUV and Soft X-ray emitted by plasma produced in a nanosecond laser field using AXUV Photo-Diode detector [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 825-830]
Solution of DGLAP evolution equation for gluon fragmentation in LO and NLO [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 615-620]
Extended Vacancies
The effect of extended vacancies on the thermal properties of armchair garaphene nanoribbons [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 322-329]
Synthesis of high transparency of F doped NiO monocrystalline thin films by spray deposition [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 163-168]
F2 adsorption
Interaction between F2 gas with the pristine and 3C-doped(4, 4) armchair boron phosphide nanotubes: a DFT study [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 344-344]
Fabry-Perot interferometer
Longitudinal mode structure in a non-planar ring resonator [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 35-44]
Fabry–Perot layer
Porous silicon biosensors based on reflectometric interference Fourier transform spectroscopy- theoretical foundations and experimental results [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 251-262]
Differential and total excitation cross sections in the collision of protons with He atoms at intermediate and high energies under a three body formalism [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 139-150]
Calculation of differential and total cross sections for Positrion-Hydrogen impact with second-order Born-Faddeev approximation in excitation channel [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 123-132]
Faddeev equation
Calculation of proton-deuteron breakup scattering cross section in intermediate energies [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-6]
Faddeev formalism
Calculation of charge transfer differential cross section by Faddeev approach [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 233-245]
Faddeev formalism
Three-body dynamical interference in electron and positron collision with positronium atom [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 209-218]
Faraday Cup (FC)
Compression between ion and hard x-ray emissions from nitrogen and argon in Mather type plasma focus device [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 97-101]
Faraday effect
Magneto-optic properties and optical parameter of thin MnCo films [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 195-202]
Faraday effect
Investigation of the temperature and magnetic field effect on the Cesium D1 atomic line filter characteristics [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 165-172]
Faynman rules
Feynman rules in the Lorentz violating extension of the standard model [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 273-285]
Theoretical study of the structural stability for fcc-CHx phases using density functional theory [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 129-138]
Three equal-depth thermoluminescence traps in NaCl crystal [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 61-65]
Magnetoelastic effects in Nd4Fe77.5B18.5 nano-composite magnet [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 17-27]
First-principles study of Berry curvature and intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity in ferromagnetic materials using Maximally localized Wannier function [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 51-56]
Synthesis and examination of new PVA-Fe2O3-Au hybrid composite [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 135-139]
Fe catalyst
Kinetics and mechanism of NH3 synthesis over Fe(100) and K/Fe(100) model catalysts [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 173-182]
Fe-Co alloy
First-principles study of Berry curvature and intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity in ferromagnetic materials using Maximally localized Wannier function [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 51-56]
Radar absorption of FeNi nanoparticles and FeNi@PANI nanocomposites prepared by in-situ polymerization [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 285-290]
Fermi gas superfluid
Ground state superfluid of Fermi gas near d-wave Feshbach resonance [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 95-98]
Fermi Liquid
Pacifying the Fermi-liquid: battling the devious fermion signs [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 111-111]
Fermi model
Multiplicity distribution of charged particles in e+ eâ annihilation in 54-57 GeV centre of mass energy and KNO scaling [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 203-207]
Fermi motion
The self-consistent method in calculating the ratio by using the structure functions and EMC ratios for 3He and 3H [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 101-105]
Fermi motion
Investigation of nuclear structure function and angular distribution of scattered leptons from 40Ca and 56Fe nuclei [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 417-422]
Fermion Sign Problem
Pacifying the Fermi-liquid: battling the devious fermion signs [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 111-111]
Fermi’s golden rule
Relativistic Cherenkov radiation in a magneto-dielectric media [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 195-198]
Study the effect of annealing temperature on structural and magnetic properties of Ni0.3Cd0.7Fe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 387-396]
Ferrite nanoparticles
A comparative study of magnetic properties of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by thermal decomposition and solvothermal methods [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 421-431]
Feynman diagram
The study of decay with the calculation of its branching ratio [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 701-705]
Fibonacci lattice
The nature of the phonon eigenstates in quasiperiodic chains (the role of Fibonacci lattices) [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 110-110]
Fibonacci model
Electronic transport through dsDNA based junction: a Fibonacci model [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 67-72]
Fibonacci sequence
The electronic properties of a Fibonacci chain [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 317-317]
Investigation of the pinch-time dependence to the gas pressure, in Filippov type plasma focus devices [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 507-512]
Fishbone model
Electronic conduction of poly(dG)-poly(dC) DNA in SWNT/DNA/SWNT structure [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 249-249]
Fisher information
Information entropies with Varshni-Hellmann potential in higher dimensions [(Articles in Press)]
Fission cross section
Transition from asymmetric to symmetric fission in 45-69 MeV proton induced fission of 238U [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 7-13]
Fission cross section
Fission fragment angular distributions in proton-induced fission of 209 Bi(p,t) and 197 Au(p,f) [Volume 3, Issue 1, 2002, Pages 13-26]
Fission yield
Nuclear charge distribution of fission products originated from fission of 238U nuclei induced by45-69 MeV protons [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2007, Pages 235-241]
Future lepton collider potential in the search for top quark FCNC coupling [(Articles in Press)]
Floquet formalism
Quantum averaging and resonances: two-level atom in a one-mode classical laser field [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 128-128]
Fluid dynamics
Effects of cooling timescale and non-ideaness of the gas in the shockwaves [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 365-370]
Monte Carlo simulation of response function of organic scintillators to gamma rays and neutrons using FLUKA, MCNPX and SCINFUL code [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 635-645]
Flux method
Effect of impurities on the optical properties of KTP single crystals grown from flux [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 630-630]
Flux method
Theoretical calculations of the alpha decay half-lives of 166−190Pt [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 63-68]
Flux pinning (Fp)
The effect of partial Nb doping on magnetic and electrical behavior of Y-123 superconductors with Nano CuO [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 87-92]
Flux-pinning mechanism
Effects of the sintering temperature on the flux-pinning mechanism and the activation energy of malic-acid doped MgB2 [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 264-264]
Investigation of Inverse Bremsstrahlung Absorption in Unmagnetized and Inhomogeneous Plasmas [(Articles in Press)]
Fokker-Planck equation
Effect of fission fragment on thermal conductivity via electrons with an energy about 0.5 MeV in fuel rod gap [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 335-343]
Fokker-Planck process
Analyzing of DNA behavior in passing through micro-structures based on the Fokker-Planck equation and the entropic barrier model [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 185-193]
Fokker-Plank equation
DC SQUID, NQUID and nanoSQUID; âThe prediction of behaviors on the base of analytic results of the Fokker-Planck equationâ [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 121-125]
Foldy-Wouthuysen representation
Screening of electron electric dipole moment through the Foldy-Wouthuysen representation [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 53-62]
FORC analysis
Investigation of the magnetic interactions in Co2FeAl alloy nanoparticles using FORC analysis [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 69-74]
Four body
Muon cycling rate in D/T mixture including doubly muonic molecule formation [Volume 3, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 121-131]
Four Body Born Approximation
Investigation the fully differential cross section of helium atom single ionization by fast protons impact with three and four-body formalism [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 643-650]
Fourier analysis
Numerical study and computer simulations of the spring-block model [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2000, Pages 267-276]
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Detection and classification of honey samples using FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analysis [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 671-679]
Fourier transforms
Spatial coherence measurement through Fourier transform of intensity of diffraction fringes of a 1D step in reflection [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 365-371]
Fourier transform spectroscopy
Simultaneous digital holographic microscopy and Fourier transform spectroscopy [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 191-198]
Measuring Destructive effects of gamma radiation on the physical properties of steel [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 369-377]
Optical properties and electronic structure of ceramics tetragonal PbTiO3 by using full-potential linearized augmented plane wave [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 261-266]
Calculation of optical properties and electronic structure of BaTiO3[Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 47-52]
Calculation of electronic structure and density of state for BaTiO3[Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 169-175]
The effect of oxygen impurity on the electronic and optical properties of calcium, strontium and barium chalcogenide compounds [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 187-196]
Ab-initio investigation of structural, electronic and optical properties BSb compound in bulk and surface (110) states [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Study of electronic and Structural Properties of CaS [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 223-232]
Fraunhofer lines
Designing and manufacturing of solar imaging and tracking system [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 523-530]
Fredericks transition
Structural deformations in liquid crystals with dispersed magnetic nano-colloids [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 21-28]
Frederick transition
Study of two dimensional nematic liquid crystal reorientations and anchoring effects [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 229-237]
Free energy difference "
Comparison of the thermodynamic integration and free energy perturbation in the computing alchemical free energy difference [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 315-325]
Free oscillation
Free oscillation of the Earth [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2000, Pages 141-150]
Frequency-dependent damping time
Damping time of transverse kink oscillations in active region coronal loops observed by AIA/SDO [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 91-99]
Fresnel biprism
Simultaneous digital holographic microscopy and Fourier transform spectroscopy [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 191-198]
Fresnel coefficients
Engineering photonic band gap in 1D phonic crystals using fresnel coefficients and comparing with the results of transfer matrix meghod [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 139-146]
Fresnel diffraction
Fresnel diffraction from a step in reflection and transmission [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2000, Pages 237-246]
Fresnel diffraction
Spatial coherence measurement through Fourier transform of intensity of diffraction fringes of a 1D step in reflection [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 365-371]
Fresnel reflection
A fiber optic sensor for measuring glucose in aqueous solutions [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 31-36]
Fresnel zone plate
Generation of the desired arrays of a perfect vortex beam [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 783-793]
F(R) gravitational theory
Investigating the little rip and other future singularities of the universe, and validity of the second law of thermodynamics in F(R) theory [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 293-303]
Random deposition model with friction: Equivalent to ballistic deposition without lateral growth [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 537-543]
A survey of conductivity of nanotubes indirectly doped with nitrogen using equations Kramerz-Kronig [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 429-433]
Effect of ultrasonic waves on morphology and electrical treatment of graphene [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 491-491]
Investigation of electron transport properties in fullerene and fullerane nanocages [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 441-448]
The effect of gate voltage on the electrical transport properties in the contacts of C60 to carbon nanotube leads [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 51-57]
Investigation of electron transport properties in fullerene and fullerane nanocages [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 441-448]
Fully Differential Cross Section
Investigation the fully differential cross section of helium atom single ionization by fast protons impact with three and four-body formalism [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 643-650]
Fully Differential Cross Section
Theoretical study of helium atom single ionization by bare carbon ions impact [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 195-204]
Symmetry breaking in mirror nuclei55 Co and 55Ni [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 253-253]
Fusion hindrance phenomenon
Systematic study of the fusion hindrance phenomenon using the proximity potential approach: signature of the energy-dependent effects of the surface energy coefficient [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 619-633]
Future Circular Collider (FCC
Future lepton collider potential in the search for top quark FCNC coupling [(Articles in Press)]
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube using DFT method [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 75-86]
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and
Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube: DFT method [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 39-49]
Construction and testing of a hydrogen cracking cell [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 335-335]
GaAsn anotube spintronic
Magnetic properties of zigzag (0,9) GaAs nanotube doped with 3d transition metals [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 35-44]
Gravitational collapse of the galactic dark matter [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 101-106]
Galitskii-Migdal-Feynman Formalism
Properties of 132Xe Neutral Atoms Scattering for 165K and 275K Temperatures [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 49-54]
Gamma-ray Cobalt-60
Design and construction of a self-shielded radiation system for agricultural products [(Articles in Press)]
GaN/AlGaN multiple quantum well (MQW)
Barrier and well-width dependence of optical emission of GaN/AlGaN quantum well nanostructures [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 119-125]
Magneto-Optical properties of GaP single crystal [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 358-358]
Gas cooling rate
Effects of cooling timescale and non-ideaness of the gas in the shockwaves [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 365-370]
GATE code
Simulation of Slot-Scan imaging system with GATE and images quality evaluation [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 471-478]
Gauge-gravity duality
Effect of Coupling Constant Correction on Equilibration Time [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 451-457]
Gauge-gravity duality
Magnetic catalysis in a confining holographic theory [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 463-470]
Gauge transformation
Particle in a quantum well with a moving wall [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 133-137]
Study of corrections on the holographic zero sound [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 773-782]
Gauss-Bonnet black hole
Criticality of thermodynamic curvatures for D-> 4 consistent Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black holes [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 55-69]
Gauss-Bonnet cosmology
Phantom divide crossing with non-minimal kinetic and gauss-bonnet couplings [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 163-166]
Gauss-Bonnet gravity
New black hole solutions of Gauss-Bonnet gravity in the presence of a perfect fluid [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 729-735]
Gaussian distribution
Study the Effects of Gaussian distribution of coherence length of the source on the diffraction from single slit and circular aperture using Monte Carlo simulation [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 239-246]
Gaussian distribution
Gaussian regular black holes in pure quadratic gravity [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 355-366]
Gaussian distribution
The impact of random memory resetting on a non-Markovian random walk [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 169-175]
Gaussian distribution profile
The ground state energy of 3He droplet in the LOCV framework [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 15-19]
Gaussian laser pulse
Consideration of self-focusing of a Gaussian laser pulse with weak relativistic approximation in a plasma [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 361-369]
Gaussian laser pulse
effect of the plasma ion channel on self-focusing of a Gaussian laser pulse in underdense plasma [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 1-8]
Gaussian quadratures
A numerical method to solve the Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation with radial interaction potentials [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2007, Pages 161-170]
Gaussian wave-packet
Dissipative motion of Gaussian wavepackets: free propagation and transmission through a rectangular barrier [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Gay-Berne interaction
The structural and thermodynamical properties of binary ellipsoidal fluid mixture Gay-Berne interaction [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 81-90]
Gay- Berne potential
Investigation into the temperature dependence of isotropic- nematic phase transition of Gay- Berne liquid crystals [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 57-65]
Gd(Ba2-xPrx)Cu3O7+ δ
Structural, electronic and flux dynamics of Gd(Ba2-xPrx)Cu3O7+& delta superconductor [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 125-172]
The Pr and Ca Substitution in GdBa2Cu3O7- & delta [Volume 3, Issue 1, 2002, Pages 39-50]
verification of proton range in proton therapy using conversion of PGT spectrum to prompt γ-ray emission profile. [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 125-138]
Geant4 code
Investigation of behavior of scintillator detector of Alborz observatory array using Monte Carlo method with Geant4 code [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 45-54]
Monte Carlo simulation of microscopic DNA damage by 30 keV electrons using Geant4-DNA [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 621-628]
Comparison of direct DNA damage by protons and oxygen, carbon, and helium ions using Geant4-DNA code [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 611-619]
Geant4-DNA code
Simulations of DNA damage types and frequencies induced by carbon ions [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 307-313]
GEANT4 toolkit
Evaluation of the effect of different concentrations of boron on proton therapy of the liver using GEANT4 Monte Carlo toolkit [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 153-159]
GEANT4 toolkit
Calculation of photon absorbed dose kernel in a homogeneous water phantom by Monte Carlo Geant4 toolkit [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 65-72]
Geiger-Muller counter
The effect of operating parameters on the dead time of Geiger-Muller counter using non-paralyzing model by two-source method [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 177-185]
GEM detectors
A performance study of the conceptual implementation of the GEM-tracking detector in Monte Carlo simulation [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 471-478]
General Gradient Approximation (GGA)
Study of some electronics properties of new superconductor Sr2VO3FeAs in ground state [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 125-129]
Generalized Langevin equation (GLE)
A matrix form solution of the multi-dimensional generalized Langevin equation in the quadratic potential [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 95-97]
Geometric symmetry breaking
A planar metamaterial design for electromagnetically induced transparency [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 167-175]
Influence of the multilayer system on the structure and photoluminescence of GeOx thin films [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 369-369]
Temperature dependence of continuum and time resolved photoluminescence of germanium nanostructures [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 336-336]
Gershgorin circle theorem
Controllability in nonlinear dynamical systems: a compartmental model [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-8]
GeS2 monolayer
Investigation of electronic and optical properties of novel graphene-like GeS2 monolayer by density function theory [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 259-265]
Optical properties and electronic structure of ceramics tetragonal PbTiO3 by using full-potential linearized augmented plane wave [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 261-266]
Calculation of electronic structure and density of state for BaTiO3[Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 169-175]
GGA+U approximation
Quantum mechanical computation of structural, electronic, and thermoelectric properties of AgSbSe2 [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 97-104]
Gilbert damping
Interaction of a magnetic sphere with a microwave cavity in the strong coupling regime [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 431-440]
Ginsberg – Landau
Thermodynamic properties of and Nuclei using modified Ginzburg-Landau theory [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 165-172]
Production dosimeter LiF: Mg, Ti and comparison its responses with dosimeter LiF: Mg, Ti (TLD-100) in Harshaw company against of gamma rays [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 321-327]
Glucose solution
A fiber optic sensor for measuring glucose in aqueous solutions [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 31-36]
Gluon fragmentation into a vector charmonium J/psi considering the effect of meson wave function [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays and its photoelectrochemical response [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 53-57]
Goos Hanchen shift
Electro-optic switches based on Goos Hanchen shift in a pseudo-isotropic structurally chiral slab doped with metal nanoparticles [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 45-53]
Gorgan Bay
Analysis of natural and artificial radioactive emission pattern in Qarasu River catchment in Gorgan Bay, northern Iran [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 149-163]
Granite Rocks
Simulating the interactions between the produced neutrons from piezoelectric rocks and the surrounding medium during earthquakes [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 53-60]
Gravitational constant
Time Dependent Gravitational Constant in Chern Simons Modified Gravity [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 41-48]
Green function
Superconductivity in single wall carbon nanotubes [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 127-130]
Green function
Effect of uniaxial strain on the current of (6,6) finite armchair carbon nanotube [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 1-8]
Green function
Unconventional superconductivity in honeycomb lattice [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 317-321]
Green function
Transport in quantum dots resonant tunneling diodes in non-interacting regime [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 457-463]
Green function
Investigation of electrostatic potential of a helical biomolecule in the Debye-Huckel regime by considering the dielectric inhomogeneity [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 467-475]
Green function method
Numerical study of electronic density of states and conductance of a molecular wire coupled with an external molecule [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 253-260]
Green's approach
Electron transport in DNA sequencing connected to silicene electrodes: design of electronic devices [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 37-44]
Green's function
Electronic transport through dsDNA based junction: a Fibonacci model [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 67-72]
Green's function
Effect of increasing length on the electronic transport of an armchair graphene nano-ribbons [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 311-315]
Green's function
Design of electronic devices based on carbon nanotubes heterojunction contacts to Zn ring layers [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 465-472]
Green\'s function
Electronic transport through dsDNA based junction: a Fibonacci model [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 67-72]
Green\'s function
Effect of increasing length on the electronic transport of an armchair graphene nano-ribbons [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 311-315]
Green’s function
Electrical conductance in a single wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT): tight binding model [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 295-298]
Green’s function
The effect of dimerization strength and comb-like bondâs hopping energy on electronic conductance and density of states of typical polyacetylene polymers [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 405-410]
Green’s function
Electronic transport through a ladder nanostructure in the presence of network defects [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 37-43]
Green’s function
The electronic conductance of polypyrrole (PPy) molecular wires and emergence of Fano resonance phenomena [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 45-50]
Green’s function
The effect of gate voltage on the electrical transport properties in the contacts of C60 to carbon nanotube leads [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 51-57]
Green’s function
Spin-dependent conductance of a typical fishbone-like nanostructure [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 103-108]
Green’s function
An analytical study on electronic transport of typical nanotubes with square structure network [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 169-177]
Green’s function
Numerical study of the effect of disorder and magnetic field on the quantum transport of two-dimensional nanostructures modeled by tight-binding approximation [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 9-16]
Green’s function
The effect of Kohn anomalies on the phonon transport of a mass-spring chain [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 125-129]
Green’s function
The effect of rotation of magnetic moment defects on the spin-dependent conductance of a ferromagnetic nanowire [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 197-202]
Green’s function
The effect of position variation of an electrical charge or dipole on the electronic transport of a simple cubic nanocrystal [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 303-307]
Green’s function
Electronic transport of molecular nanowires by considering of electron hopping energy between the second neighbors [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 89-95]
Green’s function
The study of electronic conductance of a nanoribbon with square lattice including some impurities [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 109-115]
Green’s function
The effect of electron-phonon interaction on the phonon transmission coefficient of an atomic nanostructure [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 349-354]
Greens function
Electronic conduction of poly(dG)-poly(dC) DNA in SWNT/DNA/SWNT structure [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 249-249]
Green’s function formalism
Investigation of the electrical characteristics and sensitivity analysis of a nanoscale double gate metal source drain transistor with InAs as the channel material via Green’s function formalism [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 899-909]
Green's tensor
Calculation of thermal van der Waals interaction using Casimir-Polder potential [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 663-669]
Guiding eigen mode
Effect of the change in ellipticity of the elliptic elements on band structure for 2D photonic crystal waveguide [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 117-122]
H (2129) di-baryon
Study of the Lambda-proton mass peak in Kaon-Deutron reaction at 1.45 and 1.65 GeV energies [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 75-81]
H2S sensor
g-SiC and g-SiC2 siligraphenes as two multifunctional H2S sensing materials [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 585-596]
Hadronic jet
Analysis of multi-jet events in electron - positron annihilation [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 239-243]
Hall anomaly
Hall effect in CNT doped YBCO high temperature superconductor [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 83-86]
Hall anomaly sign reversal
The effect of Ni and Fe doping on Hall anomaly in vortex state of doped YBCO samples [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 73-76]
Hall coefficient
First-Principles study of Hall coefficient in some cubic metals using Maximally localized Wannier functions [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 213-219]
Hall effect
Hall effect in CNT doped YBCO high temperature superconductor [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 83-86]
Magnetic transport properties and Hall effect in Gd1-x Prx Ba2 Cu3O7- & delta system [Volume 3, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 153-166]
Hall probe
Magnetic measurement of Iranian Light Source Facility quadrupole
storage ring prototype [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 169-175]
Hall probe
Design and fabrication of a prototype planar undulator [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 1-17]
Hall step
Response of Landau energy levels to the change of magnetic flux in non-isotropic impurities [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 39-441]
Hall thruster
Simulation of effective parameters on the anomalous electrons drifts in the Hall Effect thruster by PIC method [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 921-932]
HAL QCD ΛΛ potential
The effect of phenomenological Λα potentials in (_ΛΛ^6)He hypernuclei by using modern ΛΛ potential derived from lattice QCD [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 701-709]
Hamiltonian quantization
Quantum dynamics of A damped harmonic oscillator with velocity-dependent coupling [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 603-619]
Production dosimeter LiF: Mg, Ti and comparison its responses with dosimeter LiF: Mg, Ti (TLD-100) in Harshaw company against of gamma rays [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 321-327]
Hartree Fock wave function
Calculation of the total cross section for the ionization of H, He, Ne and Ar atoms by bare ions at the high energy range [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 397-403]
He+(2s) and Li++(2s) ions
Direct excitations of He+ and Li++ ions by collisions with protons or antiprotons [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 632-632]
HEALpix method
The role of the cell shapes on the characteristics of a complex earthquake network [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 95-105]
Heavy Fermion
Electronic structure of PuMGa5 (M = Co, Rh) heavy Fermion compounds [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 109-113]
Heavy-ion fusion reactions
Systematic study of the fusion hindrance phenomenon using the proximity potential approach: signature of the energy-dependent effects of the surface energy coefficient [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 619-633]
Heisenberg model
Self-consistent Gaussian approximation study of classical J1-J2 Heisenberg model in honeycomb and diamond lattices [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 81-88]
Heisenberg model
The effect of four-spin exchanges on the honeycomb lattice diagram phase of S=3/2 J1-J2 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 327-333]
Heisenberg model
Phase diagram of the Heisenberg model: machine learning method [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 373-385]
Heisenbery model
Optimized resonating valence bond state in square lattice: correlations & excitations [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 131-136]
Hele-Shaw cell
Scaling of the wavelength of the strata and phase diagram, for the flow of binary granular mixture in a vertical Hele-Shaw cell [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 217-222]
Hele-Shaw cell
Conformal mapping for the Saffman-Taylor fingering [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 113-124]
Hele-Shaw cell
Velocity and pressure functions of an oscillating flow in a circular Hele-Shaw cell [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 113-120]
Helium ash
Investigating the interplay between helium ash and impurities in an aneutronic fusion plasma environment for sustainable energy production [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 167-182]
Hellman potential
Calculation of the rotational bands for the 20Ne isotope [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 359-364]
Helstrom bound
Discriminating between optical coherent superposition states with imperfect detection [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 723-730]
Hematite-iron phase transformation
Study of hematite-iron phase transformation during iron-carbon core-shell nanoparticles synthesis and investigation of their magnetic and microwave properties [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 531-540]
Hermitian maps
Generalizing the framework of Dominy-Shabani-Lidar for the reduced dynamics [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 451-459]
Heusler alloy
Investigation of the magnetic interactions in Co2FeAl alloy nanoparticles using FORC analysis [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 69-74]
Heusler alloys
Effect of extra nonmagnetic Ga atoms on lattice ordering and magnetic properties of Fe2CoGa and Co2FeGa Heusler compounds [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 26-31]
Heusler alloys
Comparison of the effect of Si and Ge presence on phase formation process, the structural and magnetic properties of Co2FeX (X=Ge,Si) Heusler compounds [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 129-137]
Hexagonal graphene quantum ring
The effects of inner radius and width on the energy spectrum and persistent current in zigzag hexagonal graphene quantum rings [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 181-188]
Hexagonal wurtzite
Design and Develop a Photo Detector (CdS/Si) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 657-657]
Hg-based high-Tc cuprates
The puzzling Hg family revisited: a comprehensive study based on density functional theory [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 228-228]
Optimization of infrared detector HgCdTe in photoconductive in the spectral region 2-6 µm [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 401-407]
Hidden Nonlocality
Nonlocality, entanglement and quantum teleportation for mixed spin-1/2 states [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 479-487]
Higgs boson
Higgs boson production through FCNC interactions [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 93-102]
Higgs particle
Simultaneous observation of neutral Higgs particles with different masses in 2HDM at future colliders [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 759-771]
High Temperature paint
Optical and thermochromic properties of yttrium iron garnet paint [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 67-73]
Hilbert-Schmidt speed
Dynamics of Quantum Coherence and Hilbert-Schmidt Speed of V-Type Three-level Atom in Anisotropic Photonic Crystal [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 245-254]
Hilbert-space problem
On quantizing gravity and geometrizing quantum mechanics [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 157-157]
Drag force in asymptotically Lifshitz spacetimes [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 655-655]
Einstein-Yang-Mills black brane in ads space and dc color conductivity [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 139-145]
Study of corrections on the holographic zero sound [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 773-782]
Nano structures of amorphous silicon: localization and energy gap [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 283-287]
Hopf point
Effect of the frequency detuning on the stability analysis in a semiconductor laser subject to optical injection: Hopf and Routh-Horwitz conditions [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 131-143]
HPGe detector
Determination of the dead layer and full-energy peak efficiency of an HPGe detector using the MCNP code and experimental results [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 375-381]
Pebble bed reactors simulation using MCNP: The Chinese HTR-10 reactor [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 177-182]
Electron-phonon interaction in high temperature superconductors [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 236-236]
Magnetic transport properties and Hall effect in Gd1-x Prx Ba2 Cu3O7- & delta system [Volume 3, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 153-166]
Study of correlation and autocorrelation of supercurrent and charge in stacked Josephson junctions [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 155-158]
H-T Superconductors
Investigation of structural and Magnetic properties of (Nb) Substituted YBCO-system [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 79-85]
Hubard model
Superconductivity in optimally doped cuprates: BZA program works well and superexchange is the glue [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 234-234]
Hubbard model
d-wave superconductivity, antiferromagnetism and spin liquid in quasi-two-dimensional organic superconductors [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 235-235]
Hubbard model
Introduction to Hubbard model and exact diagonalization [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 116-116]
Hubbard model
The Mott metal-insulator transition in half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard models [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 118-118]
Hubbard model
Unconventional superconductivity in honeycomb lattice [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 317-321]
Hubbard model
Isotropy dependence of spiral order in triangular lattice Hubbard model [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 91-99]
Hubbard model
Simulation of the physical properties of BaMnxMo1-xO3 (x=0, 0.5, 1) perovskite compound using density functional theory and Hubbardâs correction [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 151-156]
Hubbard parameter (U)
Ab inito calculations of Hubbard parameters for NiO and Gd crystals [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 143-152]
Hubbard U
Investigation of electron correlation effects in armchair silicene nanoribbons [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 49-59]
Hubble tension
Early dark energy from the dark energy-dark matter interaction [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 415-419]
Hummer oxidation method
Raman spectroscopy study of nano sheets of graphene and measurement of their resistivity [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 349-358]
Estimation of lattice strain in metallic oxideâorganic material nanocomposite using Williamson-Hall equation [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 279-282]
Hybrid molecule
Study of the impact of polarization and shape factor on the nonlinear optical response of a hybrid molecule including a semiconductor quantum dot coupled two metallic nanoparticles: second harmonic generation [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 555-561]
Hydrogen bond
Investigation of solution effect on the EPR spectrum of alanine radicals based on density functional theory [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 139-150]
Hydrogen bond
Calculation of hyperfine coupling constant and the g tensor of alanine radicals at different crystal temperatures based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 713-721]
Hydrothermal method
Study of hematite-iron phase transformation during iron-carbon core-shell nanoparticles synthesis and investigation of their magnetic and microwave properties [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 531-540]
Hyperfine coupling constant
Investigation of solution effect on the EPR spectrum of alanine radicals based on density functional theory [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 139-150]
Hyperfine coupling constant
Calculation of hyperfine coupling constant and the g tensor of alanine radicals at different crystal temperatures based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 713-721]
Hysteresis loops
Investigation of structural and Magnetic properties of (Nb) Substituted YBCO-system [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 79-85]
Energy gain of ignitable targets in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) [Volume 3, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 89-99]
Neutron, electron and photon transport in ICF tragets in direct and fast ignition [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2005, Pages 197-212]
Ignition condition
Proton-boron-11 fusion under effect of the temperature turbulence [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 99-109]
Ignition criterion
The role of the temperature anisotropy in the deuterium-tritium fuel ignition under the effect of relativistic shock waves [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 147-156]
III-V materials
Calculation of the structural and electronic properties of III-V semiconductor compounds using advanced functionals of density functional theory [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 39-48]
Impurity band superconductivity
Conductivity and superconductivity in heavily vacant diamond [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 85-89]
ImQMD dynamic model
Study of neutron-rich nuclei reaction using ImQMD model [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 569-577]
Measuring the ultrashallow profiles of P implants into Si [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 109-116]
Infinite quantum well
Particle in a quantum well with a moving wall [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 133-137]
InGaNAs nanostructure
Investigation of the role of N on the optical efficiency of InGaNAs nanostructures for usage on the optoelectronic industry and optical telecommunication [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2007, Pages 227-234]
Inhomogeneous optical detection
Encoding and transmission of information based on radial carpet beams and convolutional neural network detection [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 597-604]
Interaction of solitons
One-dimensional optical spatial screening solitons in photorefractive media and incoherent interaction between them [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 255-266]
Interstellar medium
Thermal instability in the interstellar medium [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2000, Pages 197-197]
Interstellar medium
Detailed analysis of observed antiprotons in cosmic rays [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 291-291]
Inverse Bremsstrahlung Absorption
Investigation of Inverse Bremsstrahlung Absorption in Unmagnetized and Inhomogeneous Plasmas [(Articles in Press)]
Ion-acoustic waves
Investigating ion acoustic waves in dusty plasmas containing hot ions, electrons and non-thermal positrons with Cairns distribution [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 535-543]
Ion-atom impact
Correction of the first Born approximation for ion-atom collision in excitation channel by multi-channel eikonal formalism [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 101-111]
Ion beam analysis
Synthesis of CoZn nanowire in anodic aluminum templets and their characterization by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 129-137]
A review on fiber optic sensor used in electronics industry, internet of things, and new generation optical communications networks [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 659-672]
Iranian journal
The second decade [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 227-234]
Iranian Light Source Facility
Optical klystron FEL scheme for x-ray coherent harmonic generation at ISLF storage ring [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 545-550]
Iranian musical scale
The study of scale in Persian music according to notes spectrums [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 283-288]
IR Laser diode
Investigation of the role of N on the optical efficiency of InGaNAs nanostructures for usage on the optoelectronic industry and optical telecommunication [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2007, Pages 227-234]
Iron-carbon core-shell nanoparticles
Study of hematite-iron phase transformation during iron-carbon core-shell nanoparticles synthesis and investigation of their magnetic and microwave properties [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 531-540]
Irradiation system
Design and construction of a self-shielded radiation system for agricultural products [(Articles in Press)]
IR-T1 Tokamak
Determining of electron temperature profile on the cross section of a Tokamak, using ECE technique [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 107-111]
IR-T1 Tokamak
Integrated plasma control system for IR-T1 tokamak with disruption mitigation [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 177-187]
Isfahan MNSR
Investigation of Isfahan miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) for boron neutron capture therapy by MCNP simulation [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 327-339]
Ising model
High temperature series expansions for the susceptibility of Ising model on the Kagome lattice with nearest neighber interactions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 321-328]
Ising model
Size reduction of the transfer matrix of two-dimensional Ising and Potts models [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 99-99]
Ising model
Non-local order parameter for topological phase transition in the
quantum toric code [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 281-291]
Effects of cooling timescale and non-ideaness of the gas in the shockwaves [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 365-370]
Isomorph invariance
Investigation of isomorph-invariance in liquid methane by molecular dynamics simulation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 207-212]
using of deep learning on designing and optimizing an optical fiber temperature sensor with isopropanol cover [(Articles in Press)]
The Effect of magnetic field during the pressT on structural, magnetic and magnetoresistance of la8sr2Mno3 compound [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 185-190]
Fractal analysis of the surface of indiumâtin-oxide [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 245-251]
I-V pairs
Three equal-depth thermoluminescence traps in NaCl crystal [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 61-65]
Jacobian coordinate
Hypercentral constituent quark model and the hyperfine dependence potential [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 127-127]
Jacobi method
Numerical approach by quasi-spectral and fitting methods to study Schrodinger equation and calculating the energy levels of flat potentials [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 743-752]
Jacobi relative coordinates
A three-body force model for the harmonic and anharmonic oscillator [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 111-111]
Jarzynski equation
Generalization of the Jarzynski equation for a system with variable temperature [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 149-155]
Jaynes-Cummings model
Entanglement teleportation via two-qubit Heisenberg interaction in Jaynes-Cummings model under intrinsic decoherence [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 656-656]
Jaynes-Cummings model
Dynamic Simulation of the Jaynes-Cummings model using the hybrid
quantum-classical algorithm [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 301-306]
Quantum size correction to the work function and the centroid of excess charge in positively ionized simple metal clusters [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 100-100]
Jordan frame
Brans-Dicke classical cosmology in Einstein frame and metric [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 203-211]
Josephson current
Charge and spin currents in normal metal sandwiched by tow p-wave [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 141-144]
Josephson effect
The discovery of high-Tc superconductivity-unexpected discovery, unconventional behaviour [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 225-225]
Josephson junction
Density of states of a d-wave Josephson junction: a pure analytical investigation [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 117-120]
Josephson junction
Josephson junction between two high Tc superconductors with arbitrary transparency of interface [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 337-340]
Josephson junction
In-plane spin-polarized supercurrent on the topological Josephson junction [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 131-140]
Josephson spin current
Josephson spin-current in superconductor-ferromagnetic-superconductor junctions with singlet superconducting leads [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 151-154]
Kagome lattice
The mean field study of phase transitions in two dimensional Kagome lattice under local anisotropy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 91-100]
Investigation of Kn-ÏΣ interaction effects on K¯pp system using Faddeev method [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 137-146]
Synthesis of potassium chloride crystals doped with dysprosium and investigation of its thermoluminescence and photoluminescence properties [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 421-428]
KDP crystal
Investigation of the metal ions effect on the growth of KDP crystal with emphasize on Al3+ ions effect [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 311-311]
KdV equation
Electrostatic compressive and rarefactive dust ion-acoustic solitons in four component quantum plasma [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 91-96]
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in solar spicules [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 41-45]
Kennedy receiver
Discriminating between optical coherent superposition states with imperfect detection [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 723-730]
Kerr coefficient
Influence of optical Kerr coefficient on photonic band structures of hexagonal-lattice function photonic crystals [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 503-513]
Kerr effect
Nonlinear coupling of two nonlinear coupled plasmonic nanowires in the presence of Kerr and two-photon absorption in the modes of TM00 and TM10 [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 627-635]
Keywords: neutrons
Monte Carlo simulation of response function of organic scintillators to gamma rays and neutrons using FLUKA, MCNPX and SCINFUL code [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 635-645]
Keywords: Plasma focus
Investigation of the pinch-time dependence to the gas pressure, in Filippov type plasma focus devices [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 507-512]
Assessment of natural radioactivity in soil samples of Dez river sides â Khouzestan province [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 369-374]
Kibble-Zurek Mechanism
Anti-Kibble-Zurek behavior in Su–Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) model with noisy coupling crossing the quantum critical point [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 637-642]
Killing Tensor
Hidden symmetry of three dimensional rotating black hole [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 511-514]
Kitaev chain
One-dimensional p-wave superconductivity with long-range
hopping and pairing [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 215-223]
Klein tunneling
Quantum transport in graphene normal-metal superconductor- normal-metal structures [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 114-114]
Klystron lamp
Introduction of design and construction electron linear accelerator project in Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM) [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 205-213]
KN interaction
Investigation of kaon-deuteron interaction and the structure of Î (1405) resonance using Faddeev method [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 539-549]
KNO scaling
Multiplicity distribution of charged particles in e+ eâ annihilation in 54-57 GeV centre of mass energy and KNO scaling [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 203-207]
Kohn anomaly
The effect of Kohn anomalies on the phonon transport of a mass-spring chain [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 125-129]
Kondo lattice
Quantum frustrated and correlated electron systems [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 110-110]
Can Holstein-Kondo lattice model be used as a candidate for the theory of high transition temperature superconductors [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 81-84]
Investigation of Kn-ÏΣ interaction effects on K¯pp system using Faddeev method [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 137-146]
Kramers Kronig
Study of optical properties of thin copper films on glass substrate using Kramers-Kronig method [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 203-207]
Kramers-Kroning method
Correlation between surface microstructure and optical properties of porous silicon [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2007, Pages 205-211]
Kramers-Moyal expansion
Analytical solution of the evolution equations of the parton distribution functions in the small-x region through the Kramers-Moyal expansion of the master equation of Markov processes [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 327-338]
Krein space
Corrections of the spectra with de sitter background in Krein space [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 199-205]
Kretschmann Configuration
Interaction of plasmon-exciton in a columnar dielectric thin film with a structural defect excitonic thin film [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 79-98]
KTP crystals
Effect of impurities on the optical properties of KTP single crystals grown from flux [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 630-630]
KTP crystals
Theoretical calculations of the alpha decay half-lives of 166−190Pt [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 63-68]
Kubelka- Munk method
Band gap energy determination of TiO2 nanorod array by Kubelka - Munk method and investigation of the UV photodetection of Au/TiO2/Au [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 645-654]
Kukhtarev model
One-dimensional optical spatial screening solitons in photorefractive media and incoherent interaction between them [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 255-266]
Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD)
Investigation of the statistical fluctuations of the electric quadrupole transition rates of spherical nuclei by kernel density estimation method [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 471-480]
Kuramoto model
Synchronization of the Kuramoto model on a regular network [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 305-313]
Kuramoto model
Synchronization of Kuramoto model with time-varying forcing in complex networks [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 405-419]
Magnetocrystalline properties of Iron-Platinum (L10-FePt) nanoparticles through phase transition [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-5]
High-temperature superconductors, as seen through the eyes of neutrons [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 223-223]
Laguerre-Gaussian beams
Orbital angular momentum tuning of second harmonic generation of a laser beam [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 629-638]
Lamb-shift polarimeter
Measurement of deuteron beam polarization before and after acceleration [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 283-290]
Lanczos algorithm
The calculation of the conductance and electron tunneling characteristic time from metal-molecule contact in a molecular wire [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 55-63]
Landau-de Gennes energy
Two-dimensional study of long rod particles in a nematic liquid crystal with tangential and perpendicular anchorings [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 281-288]
Landauer–Buttiker approach
Effect of increasing length on the electronic transport of an armchair graphene nano-ribbons [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 311-315]
Landauer formalism
The properties of electron transport through CNT/trans-PA/CNT system [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 298-298]
Landauer formalism
Temperature dependence of I-V characteristics of C60 molecule [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 64-64]
Landauer formalism
The calculation of the conductance and electron tunneling characteristic time from metal-molecule contact in a molecular wire [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 55-63]
Landau levels
Response of Landau energy levels to the change of magnetic flux in non-isotropic impurities [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 39-441]
Landau parameters
Relaxation rates of thermal and hot quasiparticles in a d-wave superconductor [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 91-94]
Landau problem
Landau problem in the static schwarzschild universe [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 17-22]
Langevin dynamics
Dynamical study of emitted particles from exited nucleus using Langevin approach [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 445-450]
Langevin equation
Analyzing of DNA behavior in passing through micro-structures based on the Fokker-Planck equation and the entropic barrier model [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 185-193]
Langevin equation
Nuclear fission problem and Langevin equation [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 297-304]
Langevin equation
Quantum dynamics of a harmonic oscillator in a non-equilibrium bath without the rotating wave approximation [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 195-211]
Langevin equation
Hydrodynamic interaction between two beads in the presence of a temperature gradient: Effect of correlation of beads’ motion on the Soret effect [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 481-500]
Langmuir probe
Characterization and comparison of laser induced plasma parameters by Langmuir probe at low pressure [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 25-32]
Langmuir probe
Plasma characterization and morphological study for zirconium thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering at different powers [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 107-113]
Lapis Lazuli
Elemental Analysis of Lapis Lazuli sample, using complementary techniques of IBIL and MicroPIXE [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 9-17]
Solution of DGLAP evolution equation for gluon fragmentation in LO and NLO [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 615-620]
Laplace transformation
A matrix form solution of the multi-dimensional generalized Langevin equation in the quadratic potential [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 95-97]
Laplacian growth
Conformal mapping for the Saffman-Taylor fingering [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 113-124]
Study of PrBa2Cu3O7 singularity by density functional theory [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 187-200]
First principle study of Pb/Si(111) interface [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2007, Pages 171-179]
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Determination of the penetration hardness and analysis of stainless steel alloys by means of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 513-522]
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Hair analysis by means of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy technique and support vector machine model for diagnosing addiction [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 661-667]
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Prediction of elemental concentration using of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy aided by artificial neural network, statistical methods of autoregressive integrated moving average model and support vector regression and their combination [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 183-193]
Laser-plasma interaction
Effect of collisional frequency on the relativistic solitons in the intense laser-plasma interaction [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 435-440]
Laser-plasma interaction
Investigation of electromagnetic oscillations and their instabilities in a nonuniform quantum electron-positron magnetoplasma interacting with a short pulse laser [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 15-24]
Laser pulse polarization
Laser wakefield generation by R, L, X and O modes in magnetized plasma [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 835-850]
Laser wake-field
Investigation the influence of injection angle on electron acceleration in laser wake-field accelerator with the presence of external magnetic field [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 283-290]
LC circuit
Investigation of dissipation in a quantum LC circuit [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 299-303]
Ab inito calculations of Hubbard parameters for NiO and Gd crystals [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 143-152]
LDA+U method
Structural and electronic properties of cerium from LDA+U calculations [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 235-240]
Calibration curves for on-line leakage detection using radiotracer injection method [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 634-634]
Matching of the H- beam to the low and medium energy section of the CERN Linac4 [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 269-277]
LEDA Detector
Elastic scattering of 15N ions by 12C at 23 MeV [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 379-389]
Lennard-Jones potential
The ground state energy of 3He droplet in the LOCV framework [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 15-19]
Levenbert-Marquardt algorithm
Determination of saturation depth in Compton scattering using Artificial Neural Network [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 195-205]
Mono-Z constraints on the fermionic dark matter model with pseudoscalar mediator at the LHC [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 669-680]
LHC experiment
Stable micro black holes at fusion nuclear reactions [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 681-688]
LHC physics
Single top production as a constraint for Wï¢ boson [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 699-702]
First-Principles study of Hall coefficient in some cubic metals using Maximally localized Wannier functions [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 213-219]
LIAC dedicated accelarator
Monte Carlo based simulation of LIAC intraoperative radiotherapy accelerator along with beam shaper applicator [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 313-320]
Li battery setup
Fabrication of single-layer MS2 (M=Mo, W) nanosheets using Li battery setup [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 365-377]
Control rods reactivity worth calculation using deterministic and Monte Carlo approaches for an MTR type research reactor [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 127-136]
Lie algebra
Algebraic dynamics of Bloch oscillations of ultra - cold atoms in optical lattice [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 139-145]
Lie algebra
Effect of the coupling constants between nearest-neighbors in quantum wire coupled to a ring [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 349-357]
Lie group generators
Presenting a relatively simpler method than the tensor method for calculating the diagonal generators of higher representations of Lie groups to calculate the quark potentials in the thick centervortex model [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 91-98]
Production dosimeter LiF: Mg, Ti and comparison its responses with dosimeter LiF: Mg, Ti (TLD-100) in Harshaw company against of gamma rays [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 321-327]
Investigation of Cu2+ impurity effect on thermoluminescence [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 235-240]
Investigation of Cu2+ impurity effect on thermoluminescence [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 235-240]
Study of the effect of thermal treatment on the Emission Spectrum from LiF:Mg,Cu,P compared to LiF:P [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 17-20]
Study of the effect of thermal treatment on the Emission Spectrum from LiF:Mg,Cu,P compared to LiF:P [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 17-20]
Evaluation and analysis of the factors influencing the electron beam dynamics through the buncher of LINAC [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 371-386]
Matching of the H- beam to the low and medium energy section of the CERN Linac4 [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 269-277]
Liouville equation
Effect of spontaneous emission and cavity decay on intracavity stimulated Raman adiabatic passage [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 329-336]
Liouville equation
An alternative theory for the Bohmian mechanics [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 109-122]
Lippmann-Schwinger equation
A numerical method to solve the Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation with radial interaction potentials [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2007, Pages 161-170]
Lippmann-Schwinger equation
Two-body binding energy calculation using homogeneous and inhomogeneous Lippmann-Schwinger equations within three-dimensional approach [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 759-764]
Liquid crystals
Liquid- crystalline Casimir forces in the presence of nano-particles [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 331-340]
Liquid methane
Investigation of isomorph-invariance in liquid methane by molecular dynamics simulation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 207-212]
Lithium battery
Insight into the electronic and elastic properties of Li-rich- antiperovskite Li3OCl under hydrostatic pressures [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 89-93]
Lithium niobate
Analysis of influence of wall defect in lithium niobate ridge waveguide [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 61-71]
Lithium niobate
Design and fabrication of a heterodyne electrooptic modulator in lithium niobate [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 391-400]
Local transformations
Local disentanglers for the equivalence of two-dimensional topological quantum codes [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 643-653]
The ground state energy of 3He droplet in the LOCV framework [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 15-19]
The asymmetric nuclear matter correlated states in the LOCV framework [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 651-662]
LOCV method
Folding model potentials using the LOCV-DDAEI for 16O+16O elastic scattering [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 525-533]
Lognormal Distribution
A Probe into the Mobility Pattern of Taxis in the City of Isfahan [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 73-80]
Lorentzian topology
Brans-Dicke classical cosmology in Einstein frame and metric [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 203-211]
Lorentz symmetry
Feynman rules in the Lorentz violating extension of the standard model [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 273-285]
Lorentz violation
Non-commutative field theory and the parameters of Lorentz violation in QED [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 189-197]
Determination of optimal PSA for the measurement of gross alpha and beta radioactivity in water samples by LSC [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 205-211]
Study of PrBa2Cu3O7 singularity by density functional theory [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 187-200]
Ab initio study of solid CeIn3 at high pressures [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 99-107]
Ls Del system
Analysis of light curve of the eclipsing binary system LS Del [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 287-290]
Investigation of doping and particle size effect on structural, magnetic and magnetoresistance properties of manganites [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 79-98]
Nano structures of amorphous silicon: localization and energy gap [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 283-287]
Luttinger-Tisza and variational methods
Classical phase diagram of the Rashba-Hubbard model in the strongly correlated limit on square lattice [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 117-124]
Objects cloaking in LWIR region by using a high efficiency infrared pixel [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 103-106]
Lyapunov exponent
Studying the effects of dynamical parameters on reactor core temperature [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 317-326]
Lyapunov exponent
Analyzing stability of neutron point kinetics equations with nine photo-neutron groups using Lyapunov exponent method [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 33-40]
Lyapunov exponent
Investigation of synchronization in two nonlinear electrical LC-circuit with linear mutual inductance and external field using chaos theory [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 803-812]
M2 factor
Numerical investigation of laser beam qulity in thin disk laser with unstable resonator [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 371-385]
M33 Galaxy
Analysis of WFCAM images of M33 galaxy [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 315-332]
Macroscopic temperature of plasma plume
Basic model for calculating the macroscopic temperature of plasma plume and comparison with electron excitation temperature by optical spectroscopy method for non-transferred DC plasma torch [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 147-158]
Investigation of ZnS-Mg thin films prepared by sol-gel method [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 247-254]
Magnetized plasma
Investigation the influence of injection angle on electron acceleration in laser wake-field accelerator with the presence of external magnetic field [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 283-290]
Magnetized plasma
Laser wakefield generation by R, L, X and O modes in magnetized plasma [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 835-850]
Magnetized plasma
Sheath characteristics in collisional magnetized plasma with nonextensive electrons and thermal ions [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 255-267]
Magneto-acoustic wave
Dispersion of magneto-acoustic waves in a quantum plasma [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 229-234]
Magneto-Optical properties
Magneto-Optical properties of GaP single crystal [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 358-358]
Majorana edge modes
Edge mode dynamics in long-range Kitaev model [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 81-90]
Majorana modes
One-dimensional p-wave superconductivity with long-range
hopping and pairing [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 215-223]
Maker fringes
Second harmonic generation with DSR1-PMMA polymer films [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2000, Pages 235-235]
Malic-acid doped MgB2
Effects of the sintering temperature on the flux-pinning mechanism and the activation energy of malic-acid doped MgB2 [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 264-264]
Mandel parameter
Scattering of the squeezed coherent light by a metamaterial slab with negative refractive index and hyperbolic metamaterial [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 195-205]
Mandel parameter
Investigating and analysis of the properties of coherent states of a deformed nonlinear harmonic oscillator [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 405-417]
Manganese oxide nanoparticles
Experimental study of Manganese oxide nanostructures (MnO2, Mn3O4, Mn2O3) and their magnetic properties [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 145-150]
Analyze of Mn K-edge resonance X-ray scattering in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3[Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 43-51]
The effect of Ti substitution in Mn sites on the structural and electrical properties of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 manganite [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 9-16]
The Effect of magnetic field during the pressT on structural, magnetic and magnetoresistance of la8sr2Mno3 compound [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 185-190]
Anisotropic magnetoresistance in La0.4Pr0.3Ca0.3MnO3 thin films [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 605-610]
Mann-Kendall test
Evaluation of the possible changes in diurnal temperature range (DTR) trend in some arid climates of Iran since last five decades [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 27-37]
Numerical analysis of fold-pitchfork bifurcation with symmetry and its application in the pipe flow [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 125-137]
Markovian evolution
Quantum transport in the Ising chain: global vs local approach [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 139-151]
Markov process
Analytical solution of the evolution equations of the parton distribution functions in the small-x region through the Kramers-Moyal expansion of the master equation of Markov processes [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 327-338]
Markov state
Completely positive reduced dynamics with non-Markovian initial states [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 871-878]
Mass distribution
Transition from asymmetric to symmetric fission in 45-69 MeV proton induced fission of 238U [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 7-13]
Material gain
Enhancement of spontaneous emission and material gain from CdSe/CdS quantum dot [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 89-93]
Material Testing Reactor
Control rods reactivity worth calculation using deterministic and Monte Carlo approaches for an MTR type research reactor [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 127-136]
Mathematical modeling
Simulation the effects of temperature and magnetic field on the density of surface states in semiconductor heterostructures [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 69-74]
Mathieu equation
Ion separation in a Paul trap in the presence of damping force [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 35-40]
Mathieus equation
Computation of the third, fourth and fifth stability regions in a Paul trap [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 199-204]
Optimization of a high-power coaxial coupler to 1800 waveguide coupler with high input power using CST simulator controlled by MATLAB [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 795-804]
Frequencyâdriven chaos in the electrical circuit of Duffing-Holmes oscillator and its control [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 492-492]
Maximally localized Wannier function
First-principles study of Berry curvature and intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity in ferromagnetic materials using Maximally localized Wannier function [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 51-56]
Maxwell electrodynamics
A finite model for electrodynamics by introducing a form factor fHD2(ℓ2□)=1+(-ℓ2□)2 into the kinetic term of Maxwell theory [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 429-442]
Maxwell electrostatics
A singularity-free model for a point charge potential in the presence of a momentum cutoff in a D-dimensional Euclidean space (D>=3) [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 269-276]
Maxwell-Garnett theory
Optical properties of C60 molecules: A quasi-static approximation [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 775-782]
Construction and testing of a hydrogen cracking cell [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 335-335]
MCDS code
Investigating the damage to the genetic material of the cell induced by protons and carbon ions with the MCDS code compared to the results of the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo code [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-63]
M-channel filters
Tunable M-channel filter based on Thue-Morse heterostructures containing meta materials [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 288-292]
Calculating gamma ray exposure buildup factors for plane source and double stratified layers of water and lead and investigating effect of coherent scattering on these factors [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 295-300]
Calibration constant of a silver activation counter used with plasma focus devices [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 305-312]
MCNP code
Investigation of reactivity changes due to flooding the irradiation sites of the MNSR reactor using the MCNP code and comparison with experimental results [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-61]
MCNP code
Investigation of reactivity variations of the Isfahan MNSR reactor due to variations in the thickness of the core top beryllium layer using WIMSD and MCNP codes [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 273-280]
MCNP code
A polynomialâbased function approach to point isotropic gamma-ray buildup factor data in double layered spherical shield of water and lead [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 383-389]
MCNP code
Determination of the dead layer and full-energy peak efficiency of an HPGe detector using the MCNP code and experimental results [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 375-381]
MCNP code
Calculation of Radiation Damage for Simulation of Neutron Radiation Damage by Ion Irradiation and Development AMTRACK Program. [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 251-261]
Investigation of Isfahan miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) for boron neutron capture therapy by MCNP simulation [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 327-339]
Monte Carlo simulation of response function of organic scintillators to gamma rays and neutrons using FLUKA, MCNPX and SCINFUL code [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 635-645]
Optimization of 241Am-Be emission direction in neutron porosity tools for improving the precision in determining the porosity in calcite formation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 61-68]
MCNPX 2.7e
Calibration curves for on-line leakage detection using radiotracer injection method [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 634-634]
MCNPX Simulation
Design and construction of a self-shielded radiation system for agricultural products [(Articles in Press)]
McStas software
Investigating the role of S-shape guide in neutron guidance system with 241Am-Be source [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 213-227]
MD simulations
The nano-science of C60 molecule [Volume 3, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 167-167]
Mean Field Approximation
Interaction of Two Disease Spreading with Different Dynamics SIR and SIS [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 495-507]
Mean Field Approximation
The equilibrium configuration of rotating neutron stars [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 765-774]
Matching of the H- beam to the low and medium energy section of the CERN Linac4 [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 269-277]
Mechanical activation
Synthesis and evaluation of physical and magnetic properties of doped barium hexaferrite with BaZn0.6Zr0.3X0.3Fe10.8O19 (X=Ti,Ce,Sn) composition [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 357-363]
Medium Temprature Expansion
Improving the Upper Bound on the Scaling Dimension in 2 Dimensional CFT [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 629-629]
Meissner effect
The discovery of high-Tc superconductivity-unexpected discovery, unconventional behaviour [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 225-225]
Meson wave function
Gluon fragmentation into a vector charmonium J/psi considering the effect of meson wave function [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Metal oxide
Improving gas sensor properties of encapsulated ZnO nanorods for ethanol detection using ZnO:Cr layer as an encapsulated layer [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 561-571]
Investigating the fluctuations of solar and wind energy [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 249-261]
Comments on theories of high temperature superconductivity [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 224-224]
MgB2 wire and tape
Recent developments on superconducting magnesium diboride wires and tapes [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 71-75]
The effect of MgO nano-particles on Bi-2223 high temperature superconductors prepared by chemical sol-gel method [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 267-273]
Simulation of MHD shok waves in plasma focus facilities [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 301-307]
A study of evoloutionary self-gravitating plytropic β -viscous accretion disks with troidal magnetic field [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 1-6]
Miankaleh international wetland
Absorption dose distribution pattern and radiological risk assessment in sediments of Miankaleh international wetland, north of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 933-948]
Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical systems )MOEMS)
Design and simulation of pressuresensor and accelerometer based on integrated optical circuits using photoelastic effect of LiNbO3 [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 45-53]
Microwave plasma ball
Generation and investigation of plasma ball and plasma jet by microwave at atmospheric pressure [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 647-660]
Graphitic carbon nitride/MIL-88B(Fe) nanocomposite for methylene blue dye removal from aqueous solution by UV-visible light active photo-Fenton Reaction [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 107-114]
Milky Way
Gravitational collapse of the galactic dark matter [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 101-106]
Comparison of the effect of Si and Ge presence on phase formation process, the structural and magnetic properties of Co2FeX (X=Ge,Si) Heusler compounds [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 129-137]
Mirror nuclei
Symmetry breaking in mirror nuclei55 Co and 55Ni [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 253-253]
Mixed states
Nonlocality, entanglement and quantum teleportation for mixed spin-1/2 states [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 479-487]
ML model
Investigation of the pinch-time dependence to the gas pressure, in Filippov type plasma focus devices [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 507-512]
First-Principles study of Hall coefficient in some cubic metals using Maximally localized Wannier functions [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 213-219]
Mn doped ZnS quantum dots
Fabrication of a dye-based random laser using ZnS:Mn quantum dots and investigating the effects of their concentration [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 117-125]
A comparative study of magnetic properties of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by thermal decomposition and solvothermal methods [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 421-431]
MNSR reactor
Investigation of reactivity changes due to flooding the irradiation sites of the MNSR reactor using the MCNP code and comparison with experimental results [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-61]
MNSR reactor
Investigation of reactivity variations of the Isfahan MNSR reactor due to variations in the thickness of the core top beryllium layer using WIMSD and MCNP codes [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 273-280]
Mobility Pattern
A Probe into the Mobility Pattern of Taxis in the City of Isfahan [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 73-80]
Modular Invariant
Improving the Upper Bound on the Scaling Dimension in 2 Dimensional CFT [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 629-629]
Moiré technique
Interferometry by a transparent wedge [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 689-699]
The impact of random memory resetting on a non-Markovian random walk [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 169-175]
Monocrystalline structure
Synthesis of high transparency of F doped NiO monocrystalline thin films by spray deposition [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 163-168]
Mont-Carlo simulation
Analyzing kaonic atoms X-ray yields in elements and compoundsusing cascade dynamics calculations [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 629-636]
Monte Carlo
Beam neutron energy optimization for boron neutron capture therapy using Monte Carlo method [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2006, Pages 55-65]
Monte Carlo
Calculating gamma ray exposure buildup factors for plane source and double stratified layers of water and lead and investigating effect of coherent scattering on these factors [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 295-300]
Monte Carlo
Calculation of point isotropic buildup factors of gamma rays for water and lead [Volume 3, Issue 1, 2002, Pages 27-38]
Application of neutron activation analysis in discovering plastic explosive [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2000, Pages 151-161]
Monte Carlo method
Assessment of the absorbed dose uncertainty of prostate due to tissue swelling and radioactive sources displacement in brachytherapy using
Monte Carlo method [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 599-613]
Monte Carlo method
Study the Effects of Gaussian distribution of coherence length of the source on the diffraction from single slit and circular aperture using Monte Carlo simulation [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 239-246]
Monte-Carlo method
Determination of time spectra of neutrons and energy spectra of muonic atoms in μCF by Monte-Carlo method [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 75-90]
Monte-Carlo method
Study of cascade dynamics of kaonic nitrogen atom by Monte-Carlo method [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 379-385]
Monte Carlo simulation
Investigation of reactivity changes due to flooding the irradiation sites of the MNSR reactor using the MCNP code and comparison with experimental results [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-61]
Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo simulation algorithm for pileup effect of pulses in gamma spectroscopy and pileup distortion calculation on 137Cs pulse height spectrum in NaI(Tl) detector [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 315-320]
Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo based simulation of LIAC intraoperative radiotherapy accelerator along with beam shaper applicator [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 313-320]
Monte Carlo simulation
Dynamical study of emitted particles from exited nucleus using Langevin approach [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 445-450]
Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo simulation of microscopic DNA damage by 30 keV electrons using Geant4-DNA [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 621-628]
Monte Carlo simulation
Evaluation of the radiation protection capabilities of some metal oxide glasses against radioisotopic gamma sources [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 557-565]
Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo Simulation and Experimental Determination of Tissue Phantom Ratio for Photon Beams delivered from Medical Linear Accelerator [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 55-61]
Monte Carlo simulation
Investigating the damage to the genetic material of the cell induced by protons and carbon ions with the MCDS code compared to the results of the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo code [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-63]
Fabrication of single-layer MS2 (M=Mo, W) nanosheets using Li battery setup [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 365-377]
MOSFET nanotransistors
The effect of annealing temperature on the characterization and electrical characteristics of NiO/PVC gate dielectric [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 429-434]
Mössbauer effect
A Mössbauer effect study, as the main key to the investigation of anomalous magnetic properties of MnZn nanoferrite [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 262-262]
Mott insulator
High temperature superconductors at optimal doping [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 221-221]
Mott insulator
Superconductivity in optimally doped cuprates: BZA program works well and superexchange is the glue [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 234-234]
Mott insulator
Pacifying the Fermi-liquid: battling the devious fermion signs [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 111-111]
Mott insulator
Relativistic effects in the study of structure and electronic properties of UO2 within DFT+U method [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 141-146]
Mott transition
d-wave superconductivity, antiferromagnetism and spin liquid in quasi-two-dimensional organic superconductors [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 235-235]
Mott transition
The Mott metal-insulator transition in half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard models [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 118-118]
M-theory giant gravitons from the perspective of type IIA superstring theory [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 97-110]
Multilayer Networks
Interaction of Two Disease Spreading with Different Dynamics SIR and SIS [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 495-507]
Multi – mode fiber optic sensor
A fiber optic sensor for measuring glucose in aqueous solutions [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 31-36]
Muon Calalyzed fusion
Study of the total sticking coefficient and determination of optimum condition for D/T & mu CF with meta-stable dt& mu molecule [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2000, Pages 207-220]
N2O adsorption
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube using DFT method [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 75-86]
N2O adsorption
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and
Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube: DFT method [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 39-49]
Structural Properties and Phonon dispertion of NACl [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2000, Pages 311-318]
Calibration curves for on-line leakage detection using radiotracer injection method [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 634-634]
Investigation of refractive index and group velocity of metal coated dielectric spherical nanocomposites within both passive and active dielectric cores [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 75-87]
Dynamic stability of iron oxide-ethylene glycol nanofluids [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 85-88]
Current status and trends in the physicochemical properties of nanomaterials and nanotechnology researches [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 67-83]
Nano structures
Study of correlation and autocorrelation of supercurrent and charge in stacked Josephson junctions [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 155-158]
Nanotubes arrays
Formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays and its photoelectrochemical response [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 53-57]
Nash equilibrium
Study of Nash equilibrium by increasing game parameters in 3-player quantum game [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 387-393]
Nash equilibrium
The effect of entanglement and non-inertial frame on four-qubit quantum game [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 111-121]
Neel order
The effect of four-spin exchanges on the honeycomb lattice diagram phase of S=3/2 J1-J2 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 327-333]
Neutron irradiation
Low-energy neutron irradiation on Bi-based (2223) Ag superconductors [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 59-63]
Newtonian approximation
Study of a Restricted Modified Gravity on astrophysical and cosmological scales [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 447-453]
NH3 synthesis
Kinetics and mechanism of NH3 synthesis over Fe(100) and K/Fe(100) model catalysts [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 173-182]
Ni alloy
Ab-initio study of the structural, magnetic and electric properties of NixCr1-x x={0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875} [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 61-72]
Ni and Fe doping
The effect of Ni and Fe doping on YBCO powder prepared by sol gel method [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 29-33]
Ni-Cu/Cu multilayer
Fabrication of electrodeposited Ni-Cu/Cu multilayered films and study of their nanostructures before and after annealing [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 177-182]
Ni-Cu-Zn nanoparticles
Study of physical properties of Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite nanoparticles by auto-combustion method [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 359-368]
Ni-doped ZnO
Ni doped ZnO nanorod/glass prepared by chemical bath deposition [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 85-88]
Nilsson model
Study of solid-liquid phase transition using the modified weighted density approximation of inhomogeneous hard sphere systems [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2007, Pages 137-146]
Nilsson model
Study of Nilsson Potential at different nuclear deformations [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 609-613]
Ni nanowire
The effect of crystalline and shape anisotropy on the magnetic properties of Co and Ni nanowires [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 73-80]
Synthesis of high transparency of F doped NiO monocrystalline thin films by spray deposition [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 163-168]
NiO:PVC hybrid nanocomposite and sol gel method
The effect of annealing temperature on the characterization and electrical characteristics of NiO/PVC gate dielectric [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 429-434]
NIR gas sensor
Field detection of CO and CH4 by NIR 2f modulation laser spectroscopy [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 337-337]
NixMg1-xO Solid solution
Synthesis of NixMg1-xO nano particles solid solution by sol-gel self combustion method and investigation of its structural and optical properties [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15-29]
Second harmonic generation with DSR1-PMMA polymer films [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2000, Pages 235-235]
NLS equation
Effect of collisional frequency on the relativistic solitons in the intense laser-plasma interaction [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 435-440]
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube using DFT method [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 75-86]
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and
Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube: DFT method [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 39-49]
Non-Abelian Chern-Simons action
Induced Yang-Mills-Non-Abelian-Chern-Simons action in three dimensions [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 461-470]
Non-ideal gas
Effects of cooling timescale and non-ideaness of the gas in the shockwaves [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 365-370]
Nonlinear Absorption
Optical Nonlinearity and Optical Limiting Performance of Disperse Blue 1/Dioxane via Z-Scan Technique [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 137-143]
Nonlocality, entanglement and quantum teleportation for mixed spin-1/2 states [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 479-487]
Non-minimal kinetic coupling
Phantom divide crossing with non-minimal kinetic and gauss-bonnet couplings [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 163-166]
Non-transfer DC plasma torch
Basic model for calculating the macroscopic temperature of plasma plume and comparison with electron excitation temperature by optical spectroscopy method for non-transferred DC plasma torch [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 147-158]
NOx and SOx pollutants
Reducing NOx and SOx pollutants in an industrial units using electron accelerator [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 321-329]
Interaction between F2 gas with the pristine and 3C-doped(4, 4) armchair boron phosphide nanotubes: a DFT study [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 344-344]
DC SQUID, NQUID and nanoSQUID; âThe prediction of behaviors on the base of analytic results of the Fokker-Planck equationâ [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 121-125]
Measuring the ultrashallow profiles of P implants into Si [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 109-116]
Theoretical calculation of angular distribution of the 16O(d,p0)17O reaction at low energies [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 145-149]
Excited states energy corrections of hydrogen atom at the order of & alpha4 using NRQED as an effective field theory [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 33-40]
Nuclear shell model
Investigation of strong force influence on behavior of nuclear energy levels in Calcium and Titanium isotopes: Based on quantum chaos theory [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 221-226]
Nucleon-nucleon correlation
The asymmetric nuclear matter correlated states in the LOCV framework [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 651-662]
Ohmic damping (proportional to velocity)
Quantum dynamics of A damped harmonic oscillator with velocity-dependent coupling [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 603-619]
One-dimensional topological insulator
The effect of uniform spin-orbit coupling and uniform Zeeman magnetic field on the topological properties of one-dimensional dimerized nano wire [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 717-727]
One-qubit rotation gate
Implementation of one-qubit holonomic rotation gate by adiabatic passage [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 17-23]
Numerical investigation of laser beam qulity in thin disk laser with unstable resonator [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 371-385]
Open quantum system
The study of quantum speed limit time in a quantum critical environment [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 833-839]
Open quantum system
Variational approach to controlling dynamics of open quantum systems [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 539-553]
Open quantum system
Completely positive reduced dynamics with non-Markovian initial states [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 871-878]
Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor
using of deep learning on designing and optimizing an optical fiber temperature sensor with isopropanol cover [(Articles in Press)]
Optical Limiting
Optical Nonlinearity and Optical Limiting Performance of Disperse Blue 1/Dioxane via Z-Scan Technique [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 137-143]
Optical Model
Elastic scattering of 15N ions by 12C at 23 MeV [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 379-389]
Optical properties
Optical properties and electronic structure of ceramics tetragonal PbTiO3 by using full-potential linearized augmented plane wave [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 261-266]
Optical properties
The effect of oxygen impurity on the electronic and optical properties of calcium, strontium and barium chalcogenide compounds [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 187-196]
Optical properties
Size measurement of gold and silver nanostructures based on their extinction spectrum: limitations and extensions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 23-34]
Optical properties
Ab-initio investigation of structural, electronic and optical properties BSb compound in bulk and surface (110) states [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-8]
Optical properties
The investigation of Tera Hertz absorption using double folded quantum well and its stability [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 1-8]
Optical properties
Band structure and thermal emission of two dimentional silicon photonic crystal [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 573-583]
Optical properties
Investigation of pulse width effect on structural and optical properties of molybdenum oxide thin films deposited by HiPIMS [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 427-435]
Optical properties
Investigation the Optical Properties and thermal conductivity of N-doped Carbon Nanotubes in the presence of Electric field [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 577-586]
Optical properties
Investigation of electronic and optical properties of novel graphene-like GeS2 monolayer by density function theory [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 259-265]
Optical properties
Study of the effect of temperature on optical and topographical properties of RF Magnetron Sputtered ZrO2 thin films [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 335-341]
Optical properties
Synthesis of NixMg1-xO nano particles solid solution by sol-gel self combustion method and investigation of its structural and optical properties [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15-29]
Optical spectroscopy
Basic model for calculating the macroscopic temperature of plasma plume and comparison with electron excitation temperature by optical spectroscopy method for non-transferred DC plasma torch [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 147-158]
Optical switching
The study of twin phase solitons interaction and switching [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 677-688]
Synthesis and optimization of the composite pellets of SrS:Ce,Sm nano-phosphor as a sensor for the space radiation dosimeter [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 525-537]
Theoretical calculation of angular distribution of the 16O(d,p0)17O reaction at low energies [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 145-149]
Study of the effect of thermal treatment on the Emission Spectrum from LiF:Mg,Cu,P compared to LiF:P [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 17-20]
P-11B fuel
Proton-boron-11 fusion under effect of the temperature turbulence [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 99-109]
DC conductivity studies of ZnS and Ag nanoparticles doped P3HT thin films [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 55-61]
Simulating the interactions between the produced neutrons from piezoelectric rocks and the surrounding medium during earthquakes [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 53-60]
Pade′ approximation
High temperature series expansions for the susceptibility of Ising model on the Kagome lattice with nearest neighber interactions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 321-328]
Pareto optimal
Study of Nash equilibrium by increasing game parameters in 3-player quantum game [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 387-393]
Pareto optimal
The effect of entanglement and non-inertial frame on four-qubit quantum game [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 111-121]
The study of scale in Persian music according to notes spectrums [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 283-288]
Particles’ radiation
Simulating the interactions between the produced neutrons from piezoelectric rocks and the surrounding medium during earthquakes [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 53-60]
Particle-vibration coupling
Parameterization of Woods-Saxon potential in view of Particle-vibration coupling for 208Pb [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 39-47]
Pattern recognition
using of deep learning on designing and optimizing an optical fiber temperature sensor with isopropanol cover [(Articles in Press)]
Pauli frame
Brans-Dicke classical cosmology in Einstein frame and metric [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 203-211]
Paul trap
Computation of the third, fourth and fifth stability regions in a Paul trap [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 199-204]
Paul trap
Ion separation in a Paul trap in the presence of damping force [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 35-40]
First-Principles study of Hall coefficient in some cubic metals using Maximally localized Wannier functions [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 213-219]
Ab initio study of solid CeIn3 at high pressures [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 99-107]
C atom endohedral doping effect on the bond lengths in the crystal structure of fcc-C60 [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 301-308]
Pebble bed reactors simulation using MCNP: The Chinese HTR-10 reactor [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 177-182]
New Methode for Synthesis of PbO Nano-Rods and its application in ionizing radiation shielding [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 649-655]
PbS quantum dot
Study of band gap and determination of size of PbS quantum dots synthesized by colloidal solution [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 41-45]
PbS quantum dots
Co-sensitization of quantum dot sensitized solar cells composed of TiO2 nanocrystalline photoanode with CdS and PbS nanoparticles and effect of PbS on the performance of solar cells [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 499-507]
Optical properties and electronic structure of ceramics tetragonal PbTiO3 by using full-potential linearized augmented plane wave [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 261-266]
First-Principles study of Hall coefficient in some cubic metals using Maximally localized Wannier functions [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 213-219]
Peak Hour
A Probe into the Mobility Pattern of Taxis in the City of Isfahan [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 73-80]
PECVD method
Fabrication and study of carbon nanotube by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 103-108]
Penetration Hardness
Determination of the penetration hardness and analysis of stainless steel alloys by means of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 513-522]
Percolation Theory
Percolation Transition for Random Walk with Non-local Movements [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 489-494]
Percolation Theory
A random hermitian matrix representation for two-dimensional percolation model [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 285-290]
Period04 Software
The Application of Bayesian Spectral Analysis in Photometric Time Series [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 541-551]
Perovskite manganite
The effect of Lanthanum vacancy on structural, electrical and magnetic properties of La1-xMnO3+δ manganite [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 59-66]
Persian Gulf
Sea surface temperature and Ekman transport in the Persian Gulf [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 213-222]
Persistence length
The effects of charge on the persistence length of biopolymers [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 569-574]
Perturbing Approach
Effect of the coupling constants between nearest-neighbors in quantum wire coupled to a ring [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 349-357]
PGO composite membranes
Cationic dyes adsorption study on graphene- Polyvinylidene fluoride nanocomposite membranes [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 283-291]
verification of proton range in proton therapy using conversion of PGT spectrum to prompt γ-ray emission profile. [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 125-138]
Phase mismatch
Investigation of factors affecting on the efficiency of second harmonic generation of the continuous-wave focused Gaussian beam of 1064 nm inside the periodically poled nonlinear crystals [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 615-625]
Phase solitons
The study of twin phase solitons interaction and switching [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 677-688]
Enhancing photocatalytic activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles by a non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 783-794]
Photo-Fenton Catalyst
Graphitic carbon nitride/MIL-88B(Fe) nanocomposite for methylene blue dye removal from aqueous solution by UV-visible light active photo-Fenton Reaction [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 107-114]
Photonic Crystal (PC)
Slow light tunability in photonic crystals by defect layers [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 87-90]
Photon-neotrino interaction
Cross-section for & gamma e & rarr e & nu& nu& oline and & gamma& gamma& rarr& nu& nu& oline inelastic acattering [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2006, Pages 15-26]
Photovoltaic Organic / Inorganic
Improving the current density Jsc and efficiency enhancement of polymer solar cells P3HT:PCBM via nanorods ZnO [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 337-343]
The second decade [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 227-234]
PIC method
Parallel PIC simulation for two stream instability [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 265-271]
PIC simulation
Particle simulation of forward Raman instability in a low-density plasma [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 231-243]
PIC simulation
Simulation of effective parameters on the anomalous electrons drifts in the Hall Effect thruster by PIC method [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 921-932]
PID-tuned controller
Integrated plasma control system for IR-T1 tokamak with disruption mitigation [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 177-187]
PIG ion source
Design of 10 MeV cyclotron accelerator [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 225-234]
Pinning center
The Pr and Ca Substitution in GdBa2Cu3O7- & delta [Volume 3, Issue 1, 2002, Pages 39-50]
Pipe flow
Numerical analysis of fold-pitchfork bifurcation with symmetry and its application in the pipe flow [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 125-137]
Calibration curves for on-line leakage detection using radiotracer injection method [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 634-634]
The study of scale in Persian music according to notes spectrums [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 283-288]
Plasma bullet
Application of cascade antenna array to diagnose plasma bullets and investigation the velocity of bullets in an argon plasma jet [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 795-801]
Plasma Disperdion Function
Investigation of Inverse Bremsstrahlung Absorption in Unmagnetized and Inhomogeneous Plasmas [(Articles in Press)]
Plasma Focus (PF)
Compression between ion and hard x-ray emissions from nitrogen and argon in Mather type plasma focus device [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 97-101]
Plasma sheath
Sheath characteristics in collisional magnetized plasma with nonextensive electrons and thermal ions [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 255-267]
Plasma sheath
Investigating the dynamics of radio wave propagation in the plasma sheath around the hypersonic space vehicle [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 89-97]
Plasma Spray
The effect of the material and distance of the substrate on the characteristics of the alumina nanopowder coating with plasma spray method [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 342-348]
Plasmonic surface plasmon resonance
The effect of geometrical parameters on the thermoplasmonics properties of gold nanostars for photothermal therapy [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 263-270]
Interaction of plasmon-exciton in a columnar dielectric thin film with a structural defect excitonic thin film [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 79-98]
Synthesis and optical properties investigation of TiO2 nanotubes for use in polymer gel-state dye sensitized solar cells [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 121-130]
Poincare half-space
Electromagnetic medium analogous to Rindler space-time and Poincaré space [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 157-161]
Poiseuille flow
Velocity and pressure functions of an oscillating flow in a circular Hele-Shaw cell [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 113-120]
Pokels effect
One-dimensional optical spatial screening solitons in photorefractive media and incoherent interaction between them [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 255-266]
Polymer coating
A comparative study of magnetic properties of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by thermal decomposition and solvothermal methods [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 421-431]
Polymer solar cell
Improving the current density Jsc and efficiency enhancement of polymer solar cells P3HT:PCBM via nanorods ZnO [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 337-343]
The electronic conductance of polypyrrole (PPy) molecular wires and emergence of Fano resonance phenomena [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 45-50]
Gravitational collapse of the galactic dark matter [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 101-106]
Pomegranate natural dye
Study of the effect of Titanium dioxide nano particle size on efficiency of the dye-sensitized Solar cell using natural Pomegranate juice [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 361-367]
Potts model
Size reduction of the transfer matrix of two-dimensional Ising and Potts models [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 99-99]
Pouring temperature
An investigation into crystalline phases and nano structural and mechanical properties of HH heat resistant stainless steels [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 337-341]
Power and particle balance
Investigating the interplay between helium ash and impurities in an aneutronic fusion plasma environment for sustainable energy production [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 167-182]
Prassi system
A study on heavy radioactive pollution: Radon and Radium in streams and drinking water of Ramsar region by measured Prassi system [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 397-403]
Study of PrBa2Cu3O7 singularity by density functional theory [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 187-200]
Electronic structure of PrBa2Cu3O7 within LSDA+U: Different self-consistent solutions [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 99-103]
Pr doping
The electrical and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic-superconducting compound Ru(Gd1.5-xPrx)Ce0.5Sr2Cu2O10-δ [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 77-81]
Pr doping
The normal state transport properties of Nd1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors and theoretical models [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 253-259]
Primary Fields
Improving the Upper Bound on the Scaling Dimension in 2 Dimensional CFT [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 629-629]
Primary recoil spectra
Calculation of Radiation Damage for Simulation of Neutron Radiation Damage by Ion Irradiation and Development AMTRACK Program. [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 251-261]
Propagating and evanescent waves
Radiative heat transfer between two magnetodielectric metamaterial slabs with finite thickness in non-equilibrium situation [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 263-280]
Protons and antiprotons
Direct excitations of He+ and Li++ ions by collisions with protons or antiprotons [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 632-632]
Pr substitution
Structural, electronic and flux dynamics of Gd(Ba2-xPrx)Cu3O7+& delta superconductor [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 125-172]
PSA value
Determination of optimal PSA for the measurement of gross alpha and beta radioactivity in water samples by LSC [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 205-211]
Frequencyâdriven chaos in the electrical circuit of Duffing-Holmes oscillator and its control [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 492-492]
The second decade [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 227-234]
Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)
Preparation and investigation of bulk and thin film samples of strontium ferrite [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 119-128]
Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)
Magnetic anisotropy of cobalt - palladium CoxPd100-x thin films on amorphous SiO2 [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 411-416]
Pythagorean scale
The study of scale in Persian music according to notes spectrums [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 283-288]
Characterization and comparison of PZT powder synthesis by solid state and sol gel methods [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 185-190]
Qarasu River
Analysis of natural and artificial radioactive emission pattern in Qarasu River catchment in Gorgan Bay, northern Iran [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 149-163]
Analysis of multi-jet events in electron - positron annihilation [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 239-243]
Effect of Coupling Constant Correction on Equilibration Time [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 451-457]
QCD Penguin
Penguin decays in b quark [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 165-176]
QCD Penguin
The role of electroweak penguin and magnetic dipole QCD penguin on hadronic b Quark Decays [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 357-357]
QED radiative corrections
QED second order corrections on the speed of light at low temperature [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 85-88]
Effect of Coupling Constant Correction on Equilibration Time [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 451-457]
Quantum key distribution in computer networks [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 115-121]
Quantization of the electromagnetic field
Radiative heat transfer between two magnetodielectric metamaterial slabs with finite thickness in non-equilibrium situation [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 263-280]
Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm(QAOA)
Calculation of the ground and exited states of the Ising model using Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm(QAOA) [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 121-128]
Quantum chaos theory
Investigation of strong force influence on behavior of nuclear energy levels in Calcium and Titanium isotopes: Based on quantum chaos theory [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 221-226]
Quantum critical environment
The study of quantum speed limit time in a quantum critical environment [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 833-839]
Quantum dot
Enhancement of spontaneous emission and material gain from CdSe/CdS quantum dot [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 89-93]
Quantum dot
Study of the impact of polarization and shape factor on the nonlinear optical response of a hybrid molecule including a semiconductor quantum dot coupled two metallic nanoparticles: second harmonic generation [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 555-561]
Quasinormal modes
Quasinormal modes of black holes in dRGT massive gravity
under electromagnetic perturbations [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 213-218]
Quasi phase matching
Investigation of factors affecting on the efficiency of second harmonic generation of the continuous-wave focused Gaussian beam of 1064 nm inside the periodically poled nonlinear crystals [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 615-625]
Quaternary Heusler compounds
The magnetic and half-metallic properties of the d0-quaternary Heusler alloys KYBX(Y=Ca or Sr, X=S or Se) in ab-initio approach [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 227-235]
Rabi splitting energy
Interaction of plasmon-exciton in a columnar dielectric thin film with a structural defect excitonic thin film [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 79-98]
Analysis of natural and artificial radioactive emission pattern in Qarasu River catchment in Gorgan Bay, northern Iran [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 149-163]
Radiation damage
Calculation of Radiation Damage for Simulation of Neutron Radiation Damage by Ion Irradiation and Development AMTRACK Program. [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 251-261]
Radiative cooling
Analysis of radiative cooling effect and Bragg reflector [(Articles in Press)]
Radiative heat
Radiative heat transfer between two magnetodielectric metamaterial slabs with finite thickness in non-equilibrium situation [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 263-280]
Radioactive Ion Beam
Symmetry breaking in mirror nuclei55 Co and 55Ni [Volume 3, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 253-253]
Radio Detection
Dependence of normalized phase angle of cosmic ray radio signals on core location of an extensive air shower [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 69-77]
Radio Detection
Reconstruction of extensive air showrs core location using cosmic ray radio signals [(Articles in Press)]
Calibration curves for on-line leakage detection using radiotracer injection method [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 634-634]
A study on heavy radioactive pollution: Radon and Radium in streams and drinking water of Ramsar region by measured Prassi system [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 397-403]
A study on heavy radioactive pollution: Radon and Radium in streams and drinking water of Ramsar region by measured Prassi system [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 397-403]
A survey of conductivity of nanotubes indirectly doped with nitrogen using equations Kramerz-Kronig [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 429-433]
Raman instability
Particle simulation of forward Raman instability in a low-density plasma [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 231-243]
Raman scattering
Investigation of electron heating in laser-plasma interaction [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 269-279]
Raman spectroscopy
Carbon nanotubes doped with trivalent elements by using back - scattering Raman spectroscopy [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 219-226]
Raman spectroscopy
Ab-initio calculations of pressure effect on electronic and magnetic structure of ferromagnetic-superconductor RuSr2GdCu2O8 [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 145-149]
Raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy study of nano sheets of graphene and measurement of their resistivity [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 349-358]
Raman spectroscopy
Investigating the effect of RF power in dual cathode plasma magnetron sputtering on the optical, structural, and electrical properties of Cu-DLC thin films [(Articles in Press)]
Random deposition
Random deposition model with friction: Equivalent to ballistic deposition without lateral growth [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 537-543]
Random matrix theory
Investigation of strong force influence on behavior of nuclear energy levels in Calcium and Titanium isotopes: Based on quantum chaos theory [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 221-226]
Random matrix theory
Modularity cluster finding in financial time series [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 317-334]
Random matrix theory
A random hermitian matrix representation for two-dimensional percolation model [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 285-290]
Rastall theory
Cosmology in Rastall theory with non-minimal matter coupling [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 715-724]
Rayleigh-Plesset equation
Study of the moving single bubble sonoluminescence [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 227-234]
Rayleigh-Taylor instability
Study of Shock Ignition Approach in Heavy Ion Fusion of Reactor-size DT Target [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 761-772]
Measuring the ultrashallow profiles of P implants into Si [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 109-116]
Reactivity worth
Control rods reactivity worth calculation using deterministic and Monte Carlo approaches for an MTR type research reactor [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 127-136]
Positronium atomic formation in the Eikonal direct approximation [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-12]
Reid68 potential
Folding model potentials using the LOCV-DDAEI for 16O+16O elastic scattering [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 525-533]
Reitveld refinement
Study of potassium doping in superconductor YBa2-xKxCu3O6+y by XRD analyses [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 17-20]
Relativistic dynamics
Relativistic electron dynamics in ion channel guiding in the presence of a helical wiggler and an external oblique magnetic field [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 773-778]
Relativistic solitons
Effect of collisional frequency on the relativistic solitons in the intense laser-plasma interaction [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 435-440]
Relaxation rate
Relaxation rates of thermal and hot quasiparticles in a d-wave superconductor [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 91-94]
Remote sensing
Design, construction and calibration of single channel sun-photometer for study of aerosols [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 177-183]
Resonant frequency
Investigation of e-Linac tube construction method and implementation suitable method for IPM e-Linac [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 215-223]
Resonant X-ray scattering
Analyze of Mn K-edge resonance X-ray scattering in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3[Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 43-51]
Resonwting valence bound
Formalism of overlaps of valence bond states with any number of triplon [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 329-333]
Design and Develop a Photo Detector (CdS/Si) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 657-657]
RF accelerator
Design, fabrication and comparison of two power combiners: cylindrical and coaxial cavities [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 249-253]
RF amplifier
Design and construction of tetrode tube modulator for high power electron accelerator [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 153-158]
RF cavity
Designing 100 MHZ Cavity for Iranian Light Source Facility storage ring [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 177-184]
RF cavity
Matching of the H- beam to the low and medium energy section of the CERN Linac4 [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 269-277]
RF electron gun
Design and construction of a pre-injector for the Iranian Light Source Facility [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 183-188]
RF electron gun
Low power microwave tests on RF gun prototype of the Iranian Light Source Facility [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 233-239]
Effect of deposition time on structure of silver nanoparticles embedded in diamond-like carbon matrix made by RF-PECVD method [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 225-229]
RF power combiner
Design, fabrication and comparison of two power combiners: cylindrical and coaxial cavities [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 249-253]
RF power coupling
Evaluation of a new method of RF power coupling to acceleration cavity of charged particles accelerators [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 241-247]
RF system
Design and construction of the first Iranian powerful industrial electron accelerator [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 137-144]
RF system
Design of 10 MeV cyclotron accelerator [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 225-234]
Construction and testing of a hydrogen cracking cell [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 335-335]
Riemann’s coordinates
Landau problem in the static schwarzschild universe [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 17-22]
Rietveld refinement
Anisotropic peak broadening analysis of SRS diffraction from twin microstructurs in YBCO sample [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 131-134]
Rietveld refinement
Effect of extra nonmagnetic Ga atoms on lattice ordering and magnetic properties of Fe2CoGa and Co2FeGa Heusler compounds [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 26-31]
Rindler space-time
Electromagnetic medium analogous to Rindler space-time and Poincaré space [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 157-161]
RLC equivalent circuit
New approach in design of efficient low level RF circuit for 10 MeV cyclotron [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 235-242]
Robertson Walker metric
Brans-Dicke classical cosmology in Einstein frame and metric [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 203-211]
Effect of the frequency detuning on the stability analysis in a semiconductor laser subject to optical injection: Hopf and Routh-Horwitz conditions [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 131-143]
using of deep learning on designing and optimizing an optical fiber temperature sensor with isopropanol cover [(Articles in Press)]
Ferromagnetic transition and double exchange of electrons in the Ru1-xCrxCaO3 compounds [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 105-108]
Ruhterford backscattering spectroscopy
Redistribution of implanted Arsenic (AS) on the rate of oxide growth during steam oxidation of Si [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2005, Pages 243-248]
Ruthenocuprats: Playground for superconductivity and magnetism [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 9-9]
The electrical and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic-superconducting compound Ru(Gd1.5-xPrx)Ce0.5Sr2Cu2O10-δ [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 77-81]
Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy
Synthesis of CoZn nanowire in anodic aluminum templets and their characterization by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 129-137]
Comments on theories of high temperature superconductivity [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 224-224]
RVB theory
Superconductivity in optimally doped cuprates: BZA program works well and superexchange is the glue [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 234-234]
RZ Cas – eclipsing binaries
Period change and δ Scuti pulsations of eclipsing binary star RZ Cassiopiae [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 292-292]
Grain size stabilization of tetragonal phase of zirconia in sputtered Zr- O cermet films [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 97-102]
Saez – Ballester theory
Bulk viscous string cosmological models in Saez â Ballester theory of gravitation [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 497-497]
SAMI2 model
Simulation of ionospheric heating in Iran coordinates with SAMI2 model [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 497-505]
Sasaki-Hirota receiver
Discriminating between optical coherent superposition states with imperfect detection [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 723-730]
Investigation of the beam loading effects in a constant-impedance traveling wave acceleration tube [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 515-524]
Scalar field
Trace of energy-momentum tensor and gravitational backreaction of Schwinger scalars in 3D de Sitter spacetime [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 91-103]
Scalar field
Hidden symmetry of three dimensional rotating black hole [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 511-514]
Scalar field theory
The classically conformal invariant scalar theory with a non-positive potential [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 15-22]
Scaled direct excitation cross sections
Direct excitations of He+ and Li++ ions by collisions with protons or antiprotons [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 632-632]
Scattering Cross-Sections
Two-Centre Close-Coupling method in charge transfer [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 345-355]
Schottky contact
Investigation of the electrical characteristics and sensitivity analysis of a nanoscale double gate metal source drain transistor with InAs as the channel material via Green’s function formalism [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 899-909]
Schottky diode
Fabrication of polymer Schottky diode with Al-PANI/MWCNT-Au structure [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 154-160]
Schrödinger cat states
Discriminating between optical coherent superposition states with imperfect detection [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 723-730]
Schrödinger equation
Effects of hyperfine interactions on masses of N and Î baryons [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 209-213]
Schrödinger equation
Eigenstates of a particle in an array of hexagons with periodic boundary condition [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 257-267]
Schrödinger equation
Spectra of the exponential potential with the supposition of minimal length [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 277-283]
Schrödinger equation
Quantum mechanics solvable systems with position-dependent effective mass [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 339-352]
Schrödinger-Langevin (Kostin) equation
Dissipative motion of Gaussian wavepackets: free propagation and transmission through a rectangular barrier [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Schuch-Chang-Hartmann equation
Dissipative motion of Gaussian wavepackets: free propagation and transmission through a rectangular barrier [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 51-61]
Schwarzschild metric
Landau problem in the static schwarzschild universe [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 17-22]
Schwarzschild metric
Noncommutative quantum mechanics on the outskirts of a heavy objects [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 333-339]
Schwinger effect
Trace of energy-momentum tensor and gravitational backreaction of Schwinger scalars in 3D de Sitter spacetime [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 91-103]
Schwinger effect
Magnetic catalysis in a confining holographic theory [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 463-470]
Effect of antimony concentration on optical, electrical and structural
properties of copper antimony sulphide thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 89-94]
Seebeck coefficient
Quantum mechanical computation of structural, electronic, and thermoelectric properties of AgSbSe2 [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 97-104]
Seebeck coefficient
Mobility and thermoelectric properties of semiconducting diamanes [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 229-236]
Seebeck coefficient
Ab initio study of electronic and thermoelectric properties of a new B2CO monolayer [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 305-313]
Seebeck coefficient
Investigation of electronic and thermal properties of SnN-InO by using density functional theory [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 183-189]
Seebeck effect
g-SiC and g-SiC2 siligraphenes as two multifunctional H2S sensing materials [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 585-596]
Seiberg - Witten map
Non-commutative field theory and the parameters of Lorentz violation in QED [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 189-197]
Beam profile measurement of ES-200 using secondary electron emission monitor [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 253-258]
The effect of pH on the structural and magnetic properties of PbFe12O19 nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 365-374]
Effect of ultrasonic waves on morphology and electrical treatment of graphene [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 491-491]
Investigation of structural and Magnetic properties of (Nb) Substituted YBCO-system [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 79-85]
Plasma characterization and morphological study for zirconium thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering at different powers [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 107-113]
SEM and HRTEM morphology
Effect of PbS on ZnS nanostructure deposited using thermal evaporation: growth, morphological and structural study [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 99-108]
Semi-classical formalism
Correction of the first Born approximation for ion-atom collision in excitation channel by multi-channel eikonal formalism [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 101-111]
Semnan University Radio Array (SURA)
Dependence of normalized phase angle of cosmic ray radio signals on core location of an extensive air shower [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 69-77]
Shannon entropy
Information entropies with Varshni-Hellmann potential in higher dimensions [(Articles in Press)]
Shell model
Parameterization of Woods-Saxon potential in view of Particle-vibration coupling for 208Pb [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 39-47]
Design and Construction of a Traveling Wave Electron
Linear Accelerator at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 549-587]
Effects of cooling timescale and non-ideaness of the gas in the shockwaves [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 365-370]
Shrodinger equation
Investigation of multi-quark systems [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 717-725]
Si- and SiGa-doped
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube using DFT method [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 75-86]
Si- and SiGa-doped
The first-principle study of N2O gas interaction on the surface of pristine and
Si-, Ga-, SiGa-doped of armchair boron phosphide nanotube: DFT method [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 39-49]
Automatic astronomical coordinate determination using digital zenith cameras [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2009, Pages 259-269]
Silicon Dioxide
Investigation of uniformity SiO2 thin film deposited by electron beam and thermal evaporation method [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 621-628]
Silicon Monoxide
Investigation of uniformity SiO2 thin film deposited by electron beam and thermal evaporation method [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 621-628]
Silicon Photonic crystal
Band structure and thermal emission of two dimentional silicon photonic crystal [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 573-583]
Silicon substrate
Investigation of (111) wafers and comparison with (100) substrates [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 85-89]
Silver crystal
The effect of linear imperfection in [001] direction on the thermal properties of silver crystal [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 45-50]
SIM(2) symmetry
Study of charge-conjugation invariance in quantum electrodynamics with SIM(2) symmetry [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 85-97]
Measuring the ultrashallow profiles of P implants into Si [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 109-116]
Single-center close-coupling expansion
Direct excitations of He+ and Li++ ions by collisions with protons or antiprotons [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 632-632]
Single-particle states
Parameterization of Woods-Saxon potential in view of Particle-vibration coupling for 208Pb [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 39-47]
SiO2 thin film
Investigation of SiO2 thin films dielectric constant using ellipsometry technique [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 161-166]
Skyrme force
Study of neutron-rich nuclei reaction using ImQMD model [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 569-577]
Slater perturbation method
Design and construction of cavity frequency measurement and tuning systems of traveling wave electron linear accelerator [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 213-222]
SLH framework
Derivation of master equation for a two-level atom driven by squeezed state field [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 151-156]
Slot Scanning imaging system
Simulation of Slot-Scan imaging system with GATE and images quality evaluation [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 471-478]
Synthesis and optimization of the composite pellets of SrS:Ce,Sm nano-phosphor as a sensor for the space radiation dosimeter [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 525-537]
Small Modular Reactor
Increasing cycle length and flattening power distribution in soluble boron-free small modular reactor [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 237-254]
Preparation and investigation of the structural properties of SmFeAsO0.7F0.3 compound [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 297-303]
Design and preparation of binary-binary SnO2-ZnO:F/MgF2/SiO2 transparent conducting oxide coatings [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 199-204]
Soft X-ray
Characterization of EUV and Soft X-ray emitted by plasma produced in a nanosecond laser field using AXUV Photo-Diode detector [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 825-830]
The effect of MgO nano-particles on Bi-2223 high temperature superconductors prepared by chemical sol-gel method [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 267-273]
The effect of Ni and Fe doping on YBCO powder prepared by sol gel method [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 29-33]
Structural and superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3-xMxOy (M=Ag, Al) [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 43-47]
Comparative study of ZnO thin films prepared by different sol-gel route [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 423-428]
An investigation into crystalline phases and nano structural and mechanical properties of HH heat resistant stainless steels [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 337-341]
Experimental study of Manganese oxide nanostructures (MnO2, Mn3O4, Mn2O3) and their magnetic properties [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 145-150]
Improving the current density Jsc and efficiency enhancement of polymer solar cells P3HT:PCBM via nanorods ZnO [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 337-343]
Synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles by the Sol-Gel method, investigation of its morphology and comparison of its structure with intact tooth [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 445-453]
Fabrication of hydrophilic and hydrophobic silica aerogel by drying at ambient pressure and their structural properties [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 111-119]
The effect of palladium doping on optical and electrochromic properties of sol-gel deposited tungsten oxide films [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 377-390]
Investigation of ZnS-Mg thin films prepared by sol-gel method [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 247-254]
Solid electrolyte
Investigating and comparing the penetration mechanism and diffusion path of sodium and lithium in the structure of NaSICONs [Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 255-266]
Solid electrolyte
Investigation of the Effect of Yttrium Doping on Oxygen Ion Diffusion in Zirconia using DFT Method for Enhancing SOFC Electrolyte Design [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 51-59]
Soret effect
Pumping electrolyte fluid using focal light and electric
field in rectangular microchannel [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 157-176]
Soret effect
Hydrodynamic interaction between two beads in the presence of a temperature gradient: Effect of correlation of beads’ motion on the Soret effect [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 481-500]
Spark Plasma Sintering) SPS)
Effect of the fabrication process on the superconducting properties of Pb-BSCCO [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 517-534]
Spatial node
Control rods reactivity worth calculation using deterministic and Monte Carlo approaches for an MTR type research reactor [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 127-136]
Specific detective
Design and Develop a Photo Detector (CdS/Si) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 657-657]
Specific Heat
The effect of extended vacancies on the thermal properties of armchair garaphene nanoribbons [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 322-329]
Specific Heat
Investigation of specific heat in the monolayer graphene [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 355-363]
A new method for improvement of attenuation correction in cardiac imaging by SPECT system [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 177-185]
Spherical tokamak
Investigating the interplay between helium ash and impurities in an aneutronic fusion plasma environment for sustainable energy production [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 167-182]
Spin coating
Synthesis Alq3and effect of concentration iton optical and electrical performance of Organic Light Emitting Diodes withtwo single-layer mixture and multilayer structures [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 43-50]
Spin-orbit effect
Relativistic effects in the study of structure and electronic properties of UO2 within DFT+U method [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 141-146]
Spontaneous nucleation method
Effect of impurities on the optical properties of KTP single crystals grown from flux [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 630-630]
Spontaneous nucleation method
Theoretical calculations of the alpha decay half-lives of 166−190Pt [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 63-68]
Study of biosensor properties of Ag-Au nanocomposite in the vicinity of DNA [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 375-379]
Spray deposition technique
Synthesis of high transparency of F doped NiO monocrystalline thin films by spray deposition [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 163-168]
Spray pyrolysis
Design and Develop a Photo Detector (CdS/Si) [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 657-657]
Spray pyrolysis
Synthesis and characterization of porous BiVO4 thin films: the effect of structural defects on photoelectrochemical properties [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 387-402]
Spray pyrolysis
Effect of antimony concentration on optical, electrical and structural
properties of copper antimony sulphide thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 89-94]
Spray pyrolysis
Influence of dysprosium cation on structural and magnetic properties of thin films nickel-cobalt ferrite: using spray pyrolysis method [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 45-51]
Spreading Processes
Interaction of Two Disease Spreading with Different Dynamics SIR and SIS [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 495-507]
Squeezed state
Derivation of master equation for a two-level atom driven by squeezed state field [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 151-156]
Squeezed vacuum
Simulation of thermal fragility of vacuum squeezing in two photon lossy cavity [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 663-675]
Squeezing fragility
Simulation of thermal fragility of vacuum squeezing in two photon lossy cavity [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 663-675]
SRIM code
Calculation of Radiation Damage for Simulation of Neutron Radiation Damage by Ion Irradiation and Development AMTRACK Program. [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 251-261]
Synthesis and optimization of the composite pellets of SrS:Ce,Sm nano-phosphor as a sensor for the space radiation dosimeter [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 525-537]
Information distance and its application in time series [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 23-36]
Sticking meta-Stable molecule
Study of the total sticking coefficient and determination of optimum condition for D/T & mu CF with meta-stable dt& mu molecule [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2000, Pages 207-220]
Stocks parameter
Compton scattering with parity violation and polarization of cosmic microwave background [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 571-576]
Stoner criterion
Half-metallic properties of KP compound in a bulk and (001) surface of rock-salt structure: A b-initio study [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 331-339]
Strain and Stress
Estimation of lattice strain in metallic oxideâorganic material nanocomposite using Williamson-Hall equation [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 279-282]
String effective action
Standard Abelian duality transformations in f(T) gravity [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 23-29]
String Theory
Drag force in asymptotically Lifshitz spacetimes [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 655-655]
String Theory
M-theory giant gravitons from the perspective of type IIA superstring theory [Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 97-110]
Strong force
Investigation of strong force influence on behavior of nuclear energy levels in Calcium and Titanium isotopes: Based on quantum chaos theory [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 221-226]
Strontium hexaferrite
Effect of calcination temperature and time on the structural and electrical properties of SrFe12O19 nanoparticles [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 305-316]
Structured light
Encoding and transmission of information based on radial carpet beams and convolutional neural network detection [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 597-604]
Stueckelberg shifting
Gauged Hamiltonians for free particle on surfaces in configuration and phase spaces [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 7-12]
Solar rotation gravitational moments [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 161-161]
Large and small solar coronal mass ejections [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 29-36]
Identification of solar coronal loops based on moments of image [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 231-236]
Automated tracking of solar coronal loops and detection of their oscillations [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 65-72]
Damping length of slow magneto-acoustic waves in the coronal loops observed by SDO [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 373-381]
Classification of mini-dimmings associated with extreme ultraviolet eruptions by using graph theory [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 217-223]
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in solar spicules [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 41-45]
Damping time of transverse kink oscillations in active region coronal loops observed by AIA/SDO [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 91-99]
The probable excitation mechanism of kink oscillations of coronal loops [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 725-734]
Behavior of the transition region on the wave propagation at the solar atmosphere [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 563-568]
Design, construction and calibration of single channel sun-photometer for study of aerosols [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 177-183]
Superconductor wire
Effect of Ag in structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Ag-sheated Bi-2223 wires [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 52-57]
Design of cavities of a standing wave accelerating tube for a 6 MeV electron linear accelerator [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 205-212]
Study the effect of annealing temperature on structural and magnetic properties of Ni0.3Cd0.7Fe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 387-396]
Super-spin glass
Study the effect of annealing temperature on structural and magnetic properties of Ni0.3Cd0.7Fe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 387-396]
Superspin glass
A comparative study of magnetic properties of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by thermal decomposition and solvothermal methods [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 421-431]
Pacifying the Fermi-liquid: battling the devious fermion signs [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 111-111]
Search for supersymmetry in top final states at CMS [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 63-63]
Support vector regression
Prediction of elemental concentration using of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy aided by artificial neural network, statistical methods of autoregressive integrated moving average model and support vector regression and their combination [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 183-193]
Reconstruction of extensive air showrs core location using cosmic ray radio signals [(Articles in Press)]
Surface energy coefficient
Systematic study of the fusion hindrance phenomenon using the proximity potential approach: signature of the energy-dependent effects of the surface energy coefficient [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 619-633]
Surface growth
Random deposition model with friction: Equivalent to ballistic deposition without lateral growth [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 537-543]
Surface polariton
Radiative heat transfer between two magnetodielectric metamaterial slabs with finite thickness in non-equilibrium situation [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 263-280]
Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
Dynamical phase diagram of Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 517-524]
Su–Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) model
Anti-Kibble-Zurek behavior in Su–Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) model with noisy coupling crossing the quantum critical point [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 637-642]
Symmetric fission
Transition from asymmetric to symmetric fission in 45-69 MeV proton induced fission of 238U [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 7-13]
Synthesis of super heavy nuclei
Study of synthesis of some Flerovium isotopes, Fl, in the island of stability and comparison of their fusion barrier parameters [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 59-66]
Ta2O5 coating
The effect of electron and gamma irradiation on the quality of surface and reflection of silver mirror coated by TiO2 and Ta2O5 [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 421-427]
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Tachyon field
Phantom divide crossing with non-minimal kinetic and gauss-bonnet couplings [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 163-166]
Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA)
Application of the residual surface delta interaction in the /beta+ decay of (_^"40" )"Sc" nucleus [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 667-679]
The Pr and Ca Substitution in GdBa2Cu3O7- & delta [Volume 3, Issue 1, 2002, Pages 39-50]
Design and preparation of binary-binary SnO2-ZnO:F/MgF2/SiO2 transparent conducting oxide coatings [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 199-204]
TEA CO2 laser
Optimization of some input parameters of a pulsed TEA CO2 laser based on the generalized Landau-Teller equations [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 545-553]
TE and TM modes
The effect of material nonlinearity on the band gap for TE and TM modes in square and triangular lattices [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 495-495]
Teleparallel Gravity
New agegraphic in modified teleparallel gravity with viscosity fluid [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 31-38]
Simulation the effects of temperature and magnetic field on the density of surface states in semiconductor heterostructures [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 69-74]
Temperature gradient
Hydrodynamic interaction between two beads in the presence of a temperature gradient: Effect of correlation of beads’ motion on the Soret effect [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 481-500]
Temperature turbulence
Proton-boron-11 fusion under effect of the temperature turbulence [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 99-109]
Tensor-to-scalar ratio
Finding larger tensor-to-scalar ratio in the framework of Trans-Planckian censorship conjecture [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 465-470]
The investigation of Tera Hertz absorption using double folded quantum well and its stability [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 1-8]
Tera hertz radiation
Effects of finite size on tera Hertz radiation of a superconductor media [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 299-303]
Tersoff-like potential
Molecular dynamics simulation of phase transition of boron nitride single walled nanotube [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 491-497]
The one-dimensional Ising model
Calculation of the ground and exited states of the Ising model using Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm(QAOA) [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 121-128]
Thermal distribution
Investigation of factors affecting on the efficiency of second harmonic generation of the continuous-wave focused Gaussian beam of 1064 nm inside the periodically poled nonlinear crystals [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 615-625]
Thermal evaporation deposition
Annealing temperature effect on optical properties of cadmium telluride thin films [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 215-223]
Thermal instability
Thermal instability in the interstellar medium [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2000, Pages 197-197]
Thermal solitions
Thermal instability in the interstellar medium [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2000, Pages 197-197]
Optical and thermochromic properties of yttrium iron garnet paint [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 67-73]
Thermoluminescence sensitivity
Study of the effect of thermal treatment on the Emission Spectrum from LiF:Mg,Cu,P compared to LiF:P [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 17-20]
Thermonuclear Fusion
Investigation of Inverse Bremsstrahlung Absorption in Unmagnetized and Inhomogeneous Plasmas [(Articles in Press)]
The effect of geometrical parameters on the thermoplasmonics properties of gold nanostars for photothermal therapy [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 263-270]
Thermoplasmonics properties
Plasmonics and thermoplasmonics properties of asymmetric hexagonal nanoparticles [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 639-648]
The rotating wave approximation
Quantum dynamics of a harmonic oscillator in a non-equilibrium bath without the rotating wave approximation [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 195-211]
The two-dimensional monolayer of SnN-InO
Investigation of electronic and thermal properties of SnN-InO by using density functional theory [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 183-189]
Thin Barrier
Tunneling conductance in a graphene-insulator-superconductor junction with Corbino disk structure. [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 485-489]
Thomas-Fermi approximation
Thomas-Fermi calculations for determination of critical properties of symmetric nuclear matter on the basis of extended effective mass approach [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 207-216]
Thomas– Fermi model
Calculation of thermodynamic corrections from electronic exchange effects in ThomasâFermi model employed for hot dense plasma [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 127-132]
Thomas Peaks
Two-Centre Close-Coupling method in charge transfer [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 345-355]
Three Body Born-Faddeev Approximation
Investigation the fully differential cross section of helium atom single ionization by fast protons impact with three and four-body formalism [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 643-650]
Three-dimensional T-carbon nanostructure
Investigation of the performance of T-carbon ِnanostructure as optical absorbing material under hydrostatic stress [Volume 24, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 255-262]
Ti doping
The effect of Ti substitution in Mn sites on the structural and electrical properties of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 manganite [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 9-16]
Tight-Biding Model
Effect of the coupling constants between nearest-neighbors in quantum wire coupled to a ring [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 349-357]
Growth and investigation of TiO2 and AlN nanostructureâs properties [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 1-7]
TiO2-based photocatalysts
The simultaneous effect of 3d impurities of transition metals and oxygen vacancy defect on TiO2 anatase and rutile [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 19-30]
TiO2 coating
The effect of electron and gamma irradiation on the quality of surface and reflection of silver mirror coated by TiO2 and Ta2O5 [Volume 15, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 421-427]
TiO2 nanoparticles
Wettability modification of graphene oxide thin film through the photocatalytic reduction [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 19-25]
TiO2 nanoparticles
Co-sensitization of quantum dot sensitized solar cells composed of TiO2 nanocrystalline photoanode with CdS and PbS nanoparticles and effect of PbS on the performance of solar cells [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 499-507]
TiO2 nanoparticles
Rotation of the free layer of titanium dioxide nano-fluid in an external electric field [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 53-57]
TiO2 nanoparticles
Optical and structural properties of titanium dioxide nanoparticles fixed on graphene oxide due to heat treatment [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 643-650]
TiO2 nanotubes
Synthesis and optical properties investigation of TiO2 nanotubes for use in polymer gel-state dye sensitized solar cells [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 121-130]
TiO2-SnO2 nano structure thin film
Production of TiO2-SnO2 nano structural thin films prepared by electron beam and sol-gel methods as ethanol sensor [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 235-242]
Tissue Phantom Ratio (TPR)
Monte Carlo Simulation and Experimental Determination of Tissue Phantom Ratio for Photon Beams delivered from Medical Linear Accelerator [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 55-61]
Investigation of the interaction of 5-fluorouracil anticancer drug connected to the pristine, titanium doped boron phosphide nanocage (B12P12) with adenine nucleobases: by density functional theory [Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 565-584]
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles
Decreasing of the activation energy of TiO2 nanoparticles by applying ultrasound waves using the sol-gel method [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 411-416]
Estimation of eye absorbed doses in head & neck radiotherapy practices using thermoluminescent detectors [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 215-218]
Synthesis of potassium chloride crystals doped with dysprosium and investigation of its thermoluminescence and photoluminescence properties [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 421-428]
A new thermoluminescence mixed order model considering
thermal quenching effect [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 197-204]
Toric code
Local disentanglers for the equivalence of two-dimensional topological quantum codes [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 643-653]
Total Cross Section
Positronium atomic formation in the Eikonal direct approximation [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-12]
Total Cross Section
Calculation of the total cross section for the ionization of H, He, Ne and Ar atoms by bare ions at the high energy range [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 397-403]
Tracy-Widom distribution
A random hermitian matrix representation for two-dimensional percolation model [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 285-290]
Transformation acoustic theory
3D wave expansion solution in spherical multilayer structures for acoustic illusion [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 471-479]
Transformation optics
Electromagnetic medium analogous to Rindler space-time and Poincaré space [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 157-161]
Transmission spectrum
Effect of impurities on the optical properties of KTP single crystals grown from flux [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 630-630]
Transmission spectrum
Theoretical calculations of the alpha decay half-lives of 166−190Pt [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 63-68]
Trans-Planckian censorship conjecture
Finding larger tensor-to-scalar ratio in the framework of Trans-Planckian censorship conjecture [Volume 23, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 465-470]
Monte Carlo Simulation and Experimental Determination of Tissue Phantom Ratio for Photon Beams delivered from Medical Linear Accelerator [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 55-61]
Tsallis entropy
Investigation of specific heat in the monolayer graphene [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 355-363]
Tunneling conductance
Tunneling conductance in a graphene-insulator-superconductor junction with Corbino disk structure. [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 485-489]
Two-Centre Close-Coupling
Two-Centre Close-Coupling method in charge transfer [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 345-355]
Two-photon loss
Simulation of thermal fragility of vacuum squeezing in two photon lossy cavity [Volume 21, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 663-675]
Electronic properties of antiferromagnetic UBi2 metal by exact exchange for correlated electrons method [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 387-396]
UHECR, moun-electron ratio
A possible gamma ray primary as the highest energy cosmic rays [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 367-367]
Investigation of uniformity SiO2 thin film deposited by electron beam and thermal evaporation method [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 621-628]
Uniform spin-orbit coupling
The effect of uniform spin-orbit coupling and uniform Zeeman magnetic field on the topological properties of one-dimensional dimerized nano wire [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 717-727]
Uniform Zeeman magnetic field
The effect of uniform spin-orbit coupling and uniform Zeeman magnetic field on the topological properties of one-dimensional dimerized nano wire [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 717-727]
Universality Class
Percolation Transition for Random Walk with Non-local Movements [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 489-494]
Uranium 238
Transition from asymmetric to symmetric fission in 45-69 MeV proton induced fission of 238U [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 7-13]
Uranium 238
Nuclear charge distribution of fission products originated from fission of 238U nuclei induced by45-69 MeV protons [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2007, Pages 235-241]
UV light
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO/g-C3N4 hybrid nanofibers photocatalyst for the removal of organic pollutants from water [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 273-280]
UV photodetector
The effect of the Cu dopant on the ultraviolet photodetector based on ZnO nanorods [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 571-580]
UV-Vis spectrophotometer
The effect of annealing temperature on electrical and optical properties of transparent and conductive thin films fabicated of multi-walled carbon nanotube/Ag nanowires [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 319-326]
Van-Der-Waals correction
Theoretical investigation of using armchair and zigzag carbon nano rings for DNA sequencing based on density functional theory [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 879-897]
Van Der Waals force
Ab-initio study of Ag-chain adsorbed on graphene sheet [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 291-298]
Variable Star
The Application of Bayesian Spectral Analysis in Photometric Time Series [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 541-551]
Vaslov equation
Self-similar expansion of plasma into vacuum including thermal ions [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 153-158]
The Mott metal-insulator transition in half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard models [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 118-118]
V doping
Changes in the localization length with vanadium doping in the Gd123 structure [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 35-38]
Vector charmonium J/psi
Gluon fragmentation into a vector charmonium J/psi considering the effect of meson wave function [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Verwey transition
Ultra-fast spectroscopy investigation of Verwey transition in magnetite [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 345-345]
VF center
Three equal-depth thermoluminescence traps in NaCl crystal [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 61-65]
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
Measuring Destructive effects of gamma radiation on the physical properties of steel [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 369-377]
Vigard's law
Simulation of the physical properties of BaMnxMo1-xO3 (x=0, 0.5, 1) perovskite compound using density functional theory and Hubbardâs correction [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 151-156]
VIII and IX metrics
Bulk viscous string cosmological models in Saez â Ballester theory of gravitation [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 497-497]
Viola–Seaborg method
The study of the half lives alpha decay of 90 208-239 Th using semi-empirical methods [Volume 18, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 651-662]
Viscous Fluid
String Cosmological Model in 5-Dimensional Space-Time: Interacting with viscous Fluid [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 129-133]
Graphitic carbon nitride/MIL-88B(Fe) nanocomposite for methylene blue dye removal from aqueous solution by UV-visible light active photo-Fenton Reaction [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 107-114]
Vlasov equation
Relativistic simulation of the Vlasov equation for plasma expansion into vacuum [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 191-197]
Investigation of Laser wakefield acceleration using relativistic
Vlasov-Maxwell code [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 657-665]
Volovik effect
Mean field theory of high Tc cuprate superconductivity [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 222-222]
VRH conduction
DC conductivity studies of ZnS and Ag nanoparticles doped P3HT thin films [Volume 16, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 55-61]
The effect of pH on the structural and magnetic properties of PbFe12O19 nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 365-374]
Wavelet transform
Automated tracking of solar coronal loops and detection of their oscillations [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 65-72]
Wavelet transform
Mammographic image enhancement using wavelet transform and homomorphic filter [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 305-310]
W’ boson
Single top production as a constraint for Wï¢ boson [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 699-702]
Ab initio study of solid CeIn3 at high pressures [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 99-107]
Weber’s method
Landau problem in the static schwarzschild universe [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 17-22]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wesson\'s canonical model
The vector fluctuations around the Wesson's solutions [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 259-263]
Wet layer
Enhancement of spontaneous emission and material gain from CdSe/CdS quantum dot [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 89-93]
Whistler wave
Investigation of electron heating in laser-plasma interaction [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 269-279]
Measuring Destructive effects of gamma radiation on the physical properties of steel [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 369-377]
Band structure of fcc-C60 solid state crystal study [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 137-147]
Wien2k code
C atom endohedral doping effect on the bond lengths in the crystal structure of fcc-C60 [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 301-308]
Wigner function
Effect of dielectric medium on the nonclassical properties of nonlinear sphere coherent states [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 7-25]
Wigner-Weisskopf approximation
Quantum dynamics of a harmonic oscillator in a non-equilibrium bath without the rotating wave approximation [Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 195-211]
Williamson-Hall equation
Estimation of lattice strain in metallic oxideâorganic material nanocomposite using Williamson-Hall equation [Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 279-282]
Wilson - Devinney program
Automated Analysis of the Radial Velocity Curves of Close Binary Stars Even with Proximity Effects: U Peg, AB And and BD+422782 [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 601-609]
WIMSD code
Investigation of reactivity variations of the Isfahan MNSR reactor due to variations in the thickness of the core top beryllium layer using WIMSD and MCNP codes [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 273-280]
WKB approximation
Light scattering by cubical particle in the WKB approximation [Volume 17, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 633-633]
WO3 thin film
Investigation of water content in electrolyte solution on electrochromic properties of WO3 thin Films [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 113-119]
Wood-Saxon distribution profile
The ground state energy of 3He droplet in the LOCV framework [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 15-19]
Woods-Saxon potential
Application of the residual surface delta interaction in the /beta+ decay of (_^"40" )"Sc" nucleus [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 667-679]
Study of local winds over Tehran using WRF in ideal conditions [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 199-213]
Fabrication of single-layer MS2 (M=Mo, W) nanosheets using Li battery setup [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 365-377]
WS2 monolayer
Enhancement of light absorption in a WS2 monolayer using spacer and
Ag plasmonic layers [Volume 20, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 425-431]
A review on fiber optic sensor used in electronics industry, internet of things, and new generation optical communications networks [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 659-672]
W state
Decoherence effects on quantum Fisher information of multi-qubit W states [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 515-520]
Wyle – Moyal star product
Generalization of the coordinates non-commutativity to a general manifold [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 307-315]
X-band cavity fabrication
Fabrication and measurement of an X-band linear accelerator tube [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 255-261]
XeCl laser
Formation of different microstructures on a polyethersulfone film following XeCl laser irradiation [Volume 14, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 47-52]
XENON1T experiment
Leptophilic vector dark matter and XENON1T electronic recoil excess [Volume 22, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 827-835]
Construction and testing of a hydrogen cracking cell [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 335-335]
X-ray detector
Design, simulation and construction of a position sensitive X-ray gas detector [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 299-306]
X-Ray diffraction
Investigation of structural and Magnetic properties of (Nb) Substituted YBCO-system [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 79-85]
X Ray Diffraction
The effect of the material and distance of the substrate on the characteristics of the alumina nanopowder coating with plasma spray method [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 342-348]
X-ray imaging
A review of synchrotron X-ray radiation spectroscopy and imaging [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-22]
X-ray reflectivity
Reflection optimization of nano-multilayer X-ray mirrors in three-edge energies: Cr-Kα, Co-Kα, and Ti-Kα [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 331-336]
X-ray spectroscopy
A review of synchrotron X-ray radiation spectroscopy and imaging [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-22]
X-ray yield
Analyzing kaonic atoms X-ray yields in elements and compoundsusing cascade dynamics calculations [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 629-636]
Effect of ammonium hydroxide on preparation process of YBa2Cu3O7-x superconductor by sol gel method [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 215-219]
Grain size stabilization of tetragonal phase of zirconia in sputtered Zr- O cermet films [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 97-102]
The effect of laser irradiation on electrical and structural properties of ZnO thin films [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 323-330]
Study of biosensor properties of Ag-Au nanocomposite in the vicinity of DNA [Volume 14, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 375-379]
The effect of pH on the structural and magnetic properties of PbFe12O19 nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method [Volume 16, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 365-374]
XRD and XPS characterization
Effect of PbS on ZnS nanostructure deposited using thermal evaporation: growth, morphological and structural study [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 99-108]
XY model
The mean field study of phase transitions in two dimensional Kagome lattice under local anisotropy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 91-100]
Yang-Mills action
Induced Yang-Mills-Non-Abelian-Chern-Simons action in three dimensions [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 461-470]
YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductor
Effect of Ag nanoparticles as flux pinning centers in YBa2Cu3O7-δ [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 39-43]
High-temperature superconductors, as seen through the eyes of neutrons [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 223-223]
Y-based cuprates
Suppression of superconductivity in Pr-doped 123-systems: hole localization and hole clustering concepts in CuO2 planes [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 177-185]
Y-based cuprates
Nano filaments (CNT & CNF) and 123 systems [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 25-28]
Y-based cuprates superconductors
Orthorhombicâtetragonal structural phase transition:Oxygen deficiency and band calculation in Y123 systems [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 201-208]
Y- based superconductor
Hall effect in CNT doped YBCO high temperature superconductor [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 83-86]
Y based superconductors
The effect of Ni and Fe doping on Hall anomaly in vortex state of doped YBCO samples [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 73-76]
Effect of ammonium hydroxide on preparation process of YBa2Cu3O7-x superconductor by sol gel method [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2006, Pages 215-219]
YBCO superconductor
The effect of Ni and Fe doping on YBCO powder prepared by sol gel method [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 29-33]
YBCO superconductor
Structural and superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3-xMxOy (M=Ag, Al) [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 43-47]
YBCO superconductor
Preparation of YBCO superconductor nanoparticles by sol-gel combustion method [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 101-105]
Young modulus
Surface saturation effect on mechanical and optical properties of ZnO nanowires [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 97-102]
Young’s modulus
Investigation of the mechanical and electronic transport properties of graphene-like borophene oxide under small strains [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 225-234]
Young’s modulus
Comparison of mechanical, optical and electronic transport properties of isotropic and anisotropic borophosphene [Volume 20, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 759-771]
Yttrium iron garnet
Optical and thermochromic properties of yttrium iron garnet paint [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 67-73]
Zak phase
The effect of uniform spin-orbit coupling and uniform Zeeman magnetic field on the topological properties of one-dimensional dimerized nano wire [Volume 17, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 717-727]
Zr/Ba/Na fluoride glass molecular dynamics studies at atmospheric pressure and 4 GPa I: equilibration and the glass transition [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 109-109]
Zernike moments
Classification of mini-dimmings associated with extreme ultraviolet eruptions by using graph theory [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 217-223]
Zinc cobalt ferrite
Measurement of nonlinear optical coefficients of zinc cobalt ferrite using the z-scan technique with variable intensity [Volume 24, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 61-67]
Zirconium carbide
Improving corrosion resistance of aluminum by zirconium carbide thin films [Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 167-175]
The electrical transport properties in ZnO bulk, ZnMgO/ZnO and ZnMgO/ZnO/ZnMgO heterostructures [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 493-493]
Comparative study of ZnO thin films prepared by different sol-gel route [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 423-428]
Design and preparation of binary-binary SnO2-ZnO:F/MgF2/SiO2 transparent conducting oxide coatings [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 199-204]
Improving the current density Jsc and efficiency enhancement of polymer solar cells P3HT:PCBM via nanorods ZnO [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 337-343]
The effect of the Cu dopant on the ultraviolet photodetector based on ZnO nanorods [Volume 19, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 571-580]
Ni doped ZnO nanorod/glass prepared by chemical bath deposition [Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 85-88]
ZnO/sapphire interface
The electrical transport properties in ZnO bulk, ZnMgO/ZnO and ZnMgO/ZnO/ZnMgO heterostructures [Volume 18, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 493-493]
ZnO thin films
The effect of laser irradiation on electrical and structural properties of ZnO thin films [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 323-330]
ZnO thin films
Effect of substrate temperature on the structural, optical, electrical, and morphological properties of zinc oxide thin films [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 185-191]
Zn ring layers
Design of electronic devices based on carbon nanotubes heterojunction contacts to Zn ring layers [Volume 17, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 465-472]
ZnS Nanowires
Effect of PbS on ZnS nanostructure deposited using thermal evaporation: growth, morphological and structural study [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 99-108]
ZnS passivation layer
Restricted charge recombination process in PbS quantum dot sensitized solar cells by different coating cycles of ZnS films [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 233-239]
Zn thin films
Plasma characterization and morphological study for zirconium thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering at different powers [Volume 22, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 107-113]
Simulation of MHD shok waves in plasma focus facilities [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 301-307]
Zr- O
Grain size stabilization of tetragonal phase of zirconia in sputtered Zr- O cermet films [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 97-102]
Optical Nonlinearity and Optical Limiting Performance of Disperse Blue 1/Dioxane via Z-Scan Technique [Volume 21, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 137-143]
Z-scan and the degenerate four wave mixing
Measurements of non-linear optical constants of chalcogenide glasses using Z-scan and the degenerate four wave mixing (DFWM) techniques [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 1-9]
Z- scan. nonlinear refractive index
Investigation of nonlinear optical properties of Eosin-B nanoparticles painted [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 161-169]