Scattering of 15N ions with the energy of Elab = 23 MeV on the CH2(Au) target is investigated. Elastic scattering of these ions in the angular range of 7°-19° was measured by employing the silicon strip detector, “LEDA”. Using the measured scattering data, deviation of ion beam, number of incident ions on the target and differential cross sections of the 12C(15N, 15N)12C elastic scattering in the angular range of 7°-19° were determined. Moreover, by applying the optical model and using the Fresco software, the scattering cross sections in the angular range of 0°-60° in the laboratory framework were obtained by entering the extrapolated optical parameters. The obtained cross section data were then compared with the experimental ones. The theoretical cross section data resulting from the optical potential exhibit meaningful difference with the experimental data obtained in this research work in the covered angular range.
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