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In this paper, the reported experimental data related to electrical transport properties in bulk ZnO, ZnMgO/ZnO and ZnMgO/ZnO/ZnMgO single and double heterostructures were analyzed quantitavely and the most important scattering parameters on controlling electron concentration and electron mobility were obtained. Treatment of intrinsic mechanisms includes polar-optical phonon scattering, piezoelectric scattering and acoustic deformation potential scattering. For extrinsic mechanisms, ionized impurity, dislocation scattering and strain induced fields are included. For bulk ZnO, the reported experimental data were corrected for removing the effects of a degenerate layer at the ZnO/sapphire interface via a two – layer Hall – effect model. Also, donor density, acceptor density and donor activation energy were determined via the charge balance equation. This sample exhibits hopping conduction below 50K and dislocation scattering controls electron mobility closely. Obtained results indicate that enhancement of electron mobility in double sample as compared with single one can be attributed to reduction of dislocation density, two dimensional impurity density in the potential well due to background impurities and/or interface charge and strain induced fields which can be related to better electron confinement in the channel and enhancement in sheet carrier concentration of 2DEG in this sample.


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