Document Type : Original Article


‎‎ ‎ Department of Physics, Payame Noor University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In this paper a new method in design and modeling of infrared detector HgCdTe in photoconductive mode ‎is presented. In this method after scrutiny mechanical, optical, electrical properties of semiconductor ‎HgCdTe and solving the photoconductive equations, software of equations is programmed and with initial ‎value and repeat cycle, their changes to key parameters such as thickness, wavelength and amount of ‎impurities are calculated and finally, performance of detector is optimized.‎ Modeling of photoconductive detector has been done in temperature of 300K and 2-6 µm wavelength range‎‎, according to obtained results, optimal specific detectivity  is 3×109 cmHz1/2W-1‎‏ ‏in 5.77 µm wavelength.‎


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