Document Type : Original Article
Department of Physics, College of Education, Al-Qadisiyah University, Al-Qadisiyah 58002, Iraq
This paper presents a new design of a conformal microstrip antenna operating in a dual-band for several applications including Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), Wi-Fi networks, and Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN). The proposed design was achieved using the stacked patch technique on a conformal microstrip antenna. One of the patches is square-shaped and the other is triangular-shaped constructed on a cylindrical surface with a 50 mm radius using a substrate with a permittivity of 2.98. The proposed design can be called a stacked square-shaped triangular cylindrical microstrip antenna. The operating resonant frequencies have been set at 623 and 795 GHz. For the standard antenna, the bandwidths of dual-band are equal to 0.65 % and 0.92 %. By adding an air gap between the ground plane and substrate, bandwidths are enhanced to 6.15 % and 3.07 %, and then increasing the substrates' thickness leads to more improvement of the percentage of bandwidth to 40.2 % and 24.12 %. The Finite-Difference in Time Domain (FDTD) method is used to design and analyze the proposed antenna.
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