Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Computer Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


The secure transfer of keys between two parties, is one of the primary problems in cryptography. The possibility that the key can be manipulated or intercepted by way of an eavesdropper is the cause for the concern. A promising way to this problem is Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). The secure distribution of keys that may be used to encrypt and decrypt messages is made feasible by this approach, which makes use of the idea of quantum mechanics. QKD offers a degree of protection that can not be done by means of classical cryptography techniques, and has remarkable capability for application in a scope of fields in which secure correspondence is crucial. QKD is a field of study that has brought various conventions pointed toward empowering the safe alternate of cryptographic keys between two parties, Alice and Bob. Two key protocols within this field are the BB84 which was designed by Bennett and Brassard and E91 which was proposed by Ekert. While other protocols have been developed, many draw inspiration from these two foundational approaches. We focused specifically on the E91 protocol and explored its potential for the safe transfer of entangled pairs within computer networks. This protocol utilizes entanglement between particles as a means of verifying the security of the key exchange. Our investigation centered around testing the entanglement swapping for two particles using the E91 protocol, with the aim of developing a novel method for the secure transmission of entangled pairs via computer networks. Our findings suggest promising avenues for future work in implementing secure entanglement swapping in practical applications.


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