Volume 24 (2024)
Volume 23 (2023)
Volume 22 (2022)
Volume 21 (2021)
Volume 20 (2020)
Volume 19 (2019)
Volume 18 (2018)
Volume 17 (2017)
Volume 16 (2016)
Volume 15 (2015)
Volume 14 (2014)
Volume 13 (2013)
Volume 12 (2012)
Volume 11 (2011)
Volume 10 (2010)
Volume 9 (2009)
Volume 8 (2008)
Volume 7 (2007)
Volume 6 (2006)
Volume 5 (2005)
Volume 4 (2004)
Volume 3 (2002)
Volume 2 (2000)
Volume 1 (1996)
Number of Articles: 12
Calculation of proton-deuteron breakup scattering cross section in intermediate energies
Pages 1-6
Effect of dielectric medium on the nonclassical properties of nonlinear sphere coherent states
Pages 7-25
Effect of extra nonmagnetic Ga atoms on lattice ordering and magnetic properties of Fe2CoGa and Co2FeGa Heusler compounds
Pages 26-31
Study of the electronic and magnetic properties of A2Ti2O7 (A=Er, Tb)
Pages 33-44
Investigation of behavior of scintillator detector of Alborz observatory array using Monte Carlo method with Geant4 code
Pages 45-54
Designing single-qutrit quantum gates via tripod adiabatic passage
Pages 55-64
Automated tracking of solar coronal loops and detection of their oscillations
Pages 65-72
Hydrogen sensing performance of WO3 thin film by using multi - wall carbon nanotubes
Pages 73-81
Electron acceleration in an ion channel by a magnetized plasma wave
Pages 83-87
A star identification algorithm based on a voting scheme for star trackers
Pages 89-105
The effect of compressive viscosity on the slow mode oscillations of inhomogeneous solar coronal loops
Pages 107-116
Effect of the change in ellipticity of the elliptic elements on band structure for 2D photonic crystal waveguide
Pages 117-122