

Study of B meson (meson with the bottom quark flavor) in Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is of special importance so that the detector LHCb is devoted to investigate these types of mesons. For this reason, in this paper we will study the production process of this meson in a phenomenological approach using the experimental data from electron-positron annihilation. In this regards, we shall calculate the fragmentation function of B meson at next-to-leading order of perturbative QCD. We will impose the effect of B meson mass into the calculations for the first time. To perform our analysis, we will employ all available experimental data reported by the OPAL, ALEPH, SLD2002 and DELPHI collaborations. Our results show that the meson mass plays important roles in correction of fragmentation functions, specially, at low values of fragmentation parameter.


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ارتقاء امنیت وب با وف ایرانی