Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Physics Education, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran
2 Physics Department, University of Mazandaran, P. O. Box 47415-416, Babolsar, Iran
The temperature turbulence generated by the ponderomotive force of the high-power laser can significantly modify P-11B fusion reactivity. The results of this study have shown that higher temperature turbulence leads to an increased requirement for the confinement parameter in P-11B fuel. As a result, achieving ignition necessitates greater driver energy and a longer development time. Additionally, a 50% reduction in the temperature turbulence parameter yields a substantial 71% decrease in the confinement parameter, accompanied by a 21% increase in the maximum fusion energy fraction. When the temperature turbulence exceeds a value of 10, the bremsstrahlung surpasses the fusion power, making ignition unattainable. The findings underscore the importance of maintaining temperature turbulence below 1 to approach the ignition conditions required for P-11B fuel.
Main Subjects
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