نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی




This work investigates the behavior of Shannon entropy and Fisher information for the Varshni-Hellmann potential (VHP) in one and three dimensions using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. We employ the Greene-Aldrich approximation scheme to obtain the energy eigenvalues and normalized wavefunctions, which are then used to calculate these information-theoretic quantities. Our analysis revealed remarkably similar high-order features in both position and momentum spaces. Notably, our calculations showed enhanced accuracy in predicting particle localization within position space. Furthermore, the combined position and momentum entropies obeyed the lower and upper bounds established by the Berkner-Bialynicki-Birula-Mycieslki inequality. Additionally, for three-dimensional systems, the Stam-Cramer-Rao inequalities were fulfilled for different eigenstates with respect to the calculated Fisher information. It is observed that as the position Fisher entropy decreases, indicating a more precise measurement of position, the momentum Fisher entropy must increase. This implies that the Fisher information regarding momentum decreases, resulting in a decrease in the precision of momentum measurement. This demonstrates how position and momentum uncertainties complement each other in quantum mechanics. Exploring the balance between position and momentum Fisher entropy reveals a fundamental aspect of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, highlighting the restrictions on measuring certain pairs of conjugate variables simultaneously with high precision.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Information entropies with Varshni-Hellmann potential in higher dimensions

نویسنده [English]

  • Etido Inyang


چکیده [English]

This work investigates the behavior of Shannon entropy and Fisher information for the Varshni-Hellmann potential (VHP) in one and three dimensions using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. We employ the Greene-Aldrich approximation scheme to obtain the energy eigenvalues and normalized wavefunctions, which are then used to calculate these information-theoretic quantities. Our analysis revealed remarkably similar high-order features in both position and momentum spaces. Notably, our calculations showed enhanced accuracy in predicting particle localization within position space. Furthermore, the combined position and momentum entropies obeyed the lower and upper bounds established by the Berkner-Bialynicki-Birula-Mycieslki inequality. Additionally, for three-dimensional systems, the Stam-Cramer-Rao inequalities were fulfilled for different eigenstates with respect to the calculated Fisher information. It is observed that as the position Fisher entropy decreases, indicating a more precise measurement of position, the momentum Fisher entropy must increase. This implies that the Fisher information regarding momentum decreases, resulting in a decrease in the precision of momentum measurement. This demonstrates how position and momentum uncertainties complement each other in quantum mechanics. Exploring the balance between position and momentum Fisher entropy reveals a fundamental aspect of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, highlighting the restrictions on measuring certain pairs of conjugate variables simultaneously with high precision.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Schrodinger equation, Stam-Cramer-Rao inequality, Nikiforov-Uvarov method
  • Shannon entropy
  • Fisher information

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